One second passed, and then came the next and Lurch tasted the delicious flavour of the food. He smacked his lips together, "Hmm." Humming to the deliciousness of the food he just tasted. Who knew it would taste so good?

Never in his life has he tasted something so sumptuous. He was so sure his master would love this.

His new madam was Indeed a genius. She wasn't only just beautiful, but a great cook too.

"How does it taste?" Anna blinked her eyes at him and he smiled giving her a thumbs up. She smiled brightly.

She had indeed learnt how to cook from her Aunt Grace. While Anna studied beauty from her Aunt Kathy, Grace had thought her the basic duty of a wife. She thought her a few tricks of winning a man's heart. Her tricks didn't work on Mack cause he never let her use them on him.

She sighed as the thought of him crossed her mind. As much as she wanted to forget him completely, Mack has been her life for seven years. Though they were far from being intimate, she enjoyed every pain and laughter with Mack.

"Can we taste too?" Anna was brought back to reality and she smiled nodding her head at her maids. They all held out their spoons and each took little scoops of the soup and tasted it. They were all amazed at how good it tasted but Rebecca wasn't the least pleased as she had a hideous look on her face.

Anna knew she owed her aunt Grace for this. Though she often wondered why her aunties never married anyone being skilled like this, but she knew they had given up their lives to take good care of her.

She felt bad for letting them down and has promised to make things right again. 'Just a little more time, I'll be back.' Anna thought.


The maids arranged each meal on the table, Anna had taken her time to cook varieties of dishes to find out the one Noah loved the most. She knew Mack's favorite food was noodles so she prepared it a lot for him.

She didn't mind not having a career or just be a trophy wife back then, but after everything he did with Nari, Anna felt like she was just clearly being stupid. She was stupid to think he ever loved her. Stupid to give all of her heart to one man.

Mack has never loved her and he never will. According to him, he just needs her inheritance for his gain.

"Good morning." Startled Anna stared at the man who just arrived at the table. He was already dressed in a black suit ready for work. Noah was not just wealthy, he had the looks. One that can make any woman head over heels for him.

But falling in love again is out of her plate. Though she could be a good wife, Anna didn't want her heart broken again. She would get her revenge and leave when necessary. At least Noah doesn't seem like he cares about Love.

"Are you alright?" Noah asked and she nodded.

"Of course. Good morning." She smiled to see Noah nod in response as he sat down. It still felt like a dream that she was married to this man, but it wasn't a dream anymore.

"Will you be back early today?" Anna asked as the maids dished out their foods. The man narrowed his eyes at the woman who seemed to be in the best mood this morning and he wondered what was getting her so excited.

Just yesterday she looked dejected and broken and this morning she's so happy.

Anna was really happy that she had prepared breakfast for her new husband. She was excited to see his reaction when he taste her food.

"Don't wait for me. Go to bed early, most days I have a lot going on and might not return home." His cold voice hasn't melted one bit she thought.

Perhaps she can transfer a little warmness to that cold heart of his.

"You'll be back everyday as long as we're married. You can't skip your meals hubby cause you need it." He watched her silently without uttering a word as he picked his spoon to drink from his soup.

This woman really have no idea who he is does she? So bold of her to think she can control him. Hubby? The hubby nickname sounded cute though. Thought Noah. He felt like pinching her cheeks to reset her brain but then waved the thought off as quickly as it came.

"But that's far from the reason I asked." She said.

"What is it?"

"I want to go back to my car..." Her phone suddenly rang and Anna checked the caller and smiled.

"I'll be right back." She walked away.

Once Anna reached a corridor a little farther away from the entrance of the dining room, she picked the call.

"Anna what did you do? I thought we agreed you'd accept Mack back?" Janjan's desperate voice could be heard from the other end. Anna furrowed her brows, before she could say a word, another call came in and she answered that.

"Mrs Anna, two years ago you fired us all and stayed away from the Internet for good. Why are you returning again without informing us first?" Anna's confusion grew.


She had no idea what they were all talking about. What is going on? She hasn't returned to the news at all, so what are they talking about?

"What are you talking about?" Came Anna's words.

"Are you saying you are not aware of the news?" The woman on the other end asked surprised.

"What are you talking about?" Came Anna's desperate words.

"We thought it was another paid scandal to announce your return. Oh Miss Sui this is very bad for you. Your boyfriend Mack Yong is tarnishing your image on a live tv show, where are you we need to think of how to control the news it's spreading like wild fire? Oh ma'am this is a bad look on you."

Anna quickly ended the call and searched for the latest trends. "Huh." She gasped covering her mouth with her hands.

"ANNA SUI." Was trending at number one. Behind it was "MACK YONG", and then next to that was "Broken Engagement". Anna frowned. She knew what this was about without her clicking on the trend.