Anna was served breakfast in bed as instructed by her dear new husband. And she had slowly recovered from the hangover after sleeping for a few more hours.

Anna had thought of what to wear for the auction Noah invited her for, and judging from the clothes she had in the closet, weren't enough for her. She decided to shop for something to wear, maybe something simple.

Something that didn't need much attention but beautiful enough. She had to look good no matter what. What if something goes wrong and tonight would be her first appearance? There's no way she wants to appear on the net for the first time in two years looking so casual.

She felt anxious at the thought of the internet again. "Breathe Anna." She whispered and took a deep breath.

She'll have to shop for a simple outfit herself. No one has to know she's going out. That way there'll be no paparazzi sneaking around. She nodded in agreement to her thought and called her bestie.


"Anna. How have you been baby. I've tried calling for days after that news but your number was suddenly unreachable. Are you alright? Where are you?" Janjan rapped struggling to catch her breath after her words.

"I'm fine Janjan. The news left as fast as it came."

"Yes it's a good thing Mack decided to change his mind. For a second I thought he was really going to destroy you. What is going on Anna I'm scared for you, why not just go back to him. You both can settle whatever differences before it's too late." Janjan worried voice could be heard and Anna wished she could tell her friend everything going on. But she couldn't.

Janjan had a running mouth. Mack might find out her plans through Janjan and destroy it before she even starts.

"Janjan, let's go for shopping huh? We can talk all you want there and have fun." Janjan was quiet for some time before saying. "Anna father has cut off my allowance cause of you, and your grandfather has cut off yours too. How do we shop when we both don't have money?" Anna bit her lips.

There's no way she'll shop alone. Someone has to go with her so that people will not recognize her.

"Janjan I'm the one inviting you aren't I? Don't worry about the money that has been taken care of. Meet me at our usuals in an hour okay?"

"Alright." Anna hung up and went ahead to prepare. She had limited time to shop and prepare for the auction so she had to be fast. She got out of bed and went ahead to freshen up and prepare for shopping.

Anna adorned herself in a gown resembling the hue of milk, its color appearing subdued as if the fabric was fading, despite its apparent newness. She felt like the more unrecognized she was the better for her.

She wore a black hat and a pair of red sunglasses with black heels and her black bag before stepping out of her room.

"Good morning madam." Lurch greeted walking away from the male servant he was instructing on how to clean the high windows from inside the house.

"Good morning Lurch." Anna greeted with a smile to which the butler returned with a bow. Since their new madam arrived, the mansion has been so lovely and peaceful unlike his master's other blind dates that have been here before.

Though it wasn't his business what the couple did as he was just here to serve his master like he has been doing for years. But he prayed and hoped their union last longer. Even forever.

"You seem to be going out?" He asked and she nodded.

"Then permit me to arrange a ride for you and a few guards to escort you." Anna's eyes turned wide. Not because of the guards following her, but because of the attention they would draw.

"No no, that's not needed I'll be fine going alone." She said.

"Then I can ask a few maids to escort you if that would be okay. I insist madam." Lurch asked politely. His master had asked him specifically to make sure his madam is okay and that he would do.

They have skilled maids for every task and would make sure they tend to her needs when necessary.

"Alright, but just two as I would not want attention to myself." Anna stated and Lurch bowed.

"Least I forget, there's someone here waiting to see you." Lurch said to his madam who just arrived at the lounge.

"Who is that?"

"He's Paul, master's assistant."

"Alright let him in." Came Anna's words and Lurch bowed. He went ahead to get Noah's assistant who has been waiting for his boss's wife to arrive for hours now.

Paul wasn't yet fancied by the woman since he knew a lot about her past. He didn't know what charm she has used on his boss but he hopes the man get over it quickly.

This woman had a lot of bad record to be married to another back record holder like Noah. Noah needs an angel, not another devil in his life. He wondered what the Declan's would do when they find out their only son and heir is married to a celebrity.

Paul already felt dizzy from his thoughts. Not only was his master madly in love with this woman, but he was also ready to will all of his inheritance to her.

"G... Good day my lady." Paul stuttered staring at the angel before him. Though he had seen this woman before, but he could have sworn she wasn't this beautiful the day he saw her. His boss really made the right choice marrying an angel such as this one.

Her smile was angelic, her fair skin was glowing. And her blue eyes were enchanting. He could now see what his boss had seen in this beautiful woman. For some minutes he forgot his reason for coming and just stared at her.

Anna had removed her hat and sunglasses since she was still at home. She recalled Noah telling her earlier about signing a document and wanted to be done with it as quickly as possible.

"My Goodness you're so beautiful." Paul exclaimed and the woman before him expanded her smile. She knew she was beautiful but it's been so long she's had a man act this way towards her. Now that Paul was here Anna missed her past life.

"Thank you."