Just as Anna watched the first item being presented, in the crowd, she saw two familiar figures seated among the crowd of people. Mack and Nari had attended the auction together. She scoffed silently, they're no longer hiding what they did to her.

It's how people will congratulate them for it one the news is out. Even if people finds out Nari is pregnant, they would thank G*d for it and even have something auful to say about her. She sighed, picking her glass of juice on the table.

Her cold gaze didn't leave them. She couldn't believe this two would be together after everything Nari did and all the promises Mack made. They destroyed her just so they could be together, she gritted her teeth.

Anna seemed to think of something and then turned to the man seated beside her.

Noah's eyes held warmth as he was already staring at her. Nothing else mattered except the woman beside him. It's like he has been charmed by her.

Anna looked straight at him, "I'm going to destroy them the same way they did to me." She turned to look at Mack and Nari and Noah's scheming dark eyes followed.

"How do you want them, dead?" He asked and Anna's eyes widened. If he could get things done his own way, he would have wiped out the entire Yong's family from the surface of the earth just to have the attention of his wife on him alone.

He was jealous of always sharing her thoughts with others.

"I'll deal with them myself, you don't have to worry about it." She smiled at him. To think this man would want to kill someone for her. She was touched.

The identity of Noah Declan was a mystery. That's why she didn't know who he was at first.

To think this man gave her a partnership deal with the biggest entertainment company just for being his wife. Such a powerful figure, she thought.

Did she marry the right person? She had no idea who this man is or what he's capable of, but one thing she knew he would never do to her was harm her in any way.

"Are you sure?" Noah asked and she nodded with a smile.

Anna had no reason to do this but she said, "I have no relationship with Mack, whatsoever." Whatever feelings she had for Mack had died the night he betrayed her. All she felt for him at the moment was emptiness.

She had been a fool to let her heart beat once for this man, but not anymore.

The darkness in Noah's eyes disappeared entirely and he leaned closer, "I know." He said confidently as if he was already aware she didn't have feelings for the man anymore. Noah believed he didn't have any match in this city when it came to the heart of his dear wife.

Noah raised his hands to stroke her hair, "In one week you'll be back to the spotlight and at a ball they'll be attending. I have everything ready physically, but I need you ready mentally. Don't worry, I won't let any harm come to you." He said and Anna smiled.

"I know." Noah seized the opportunity to get closer to his wife as he held her waist and pulled her closer to himself. He was ready to wait as long as she wanted, but that didn't mean he would let sweet opportunities like this pass him by.

Elder Vincent who had come to see the girl and leave stood there smiling at his grandson's action. The girl was a beauty, no wonder his grandson was so drawn to her. She looked familiar but he couldn't tell where he has seen this face before.

"Sit I think it's time to leave." Paul reminded the old man for the one thousandth time but like everytime the man shut him up with a glare.

Paul was scared for his life. It's not like he hadn't seen his boss when he's angry before, he knows how dangerous Noah is when angry.

If he hadn't seen the man transform into the devil himself, he wouldn't believe such a calm man would ever get angry.

He prayed to G*d to save him tonight. He couldn't possibly die like this.

Coincidentally, the last option for the auction arrived and was released on stage.

"It was a rare sapphire, turning the air around a bit more tensed as every lady in the room wanted the sapphire including Nari whose eyes twinkled at the priceless jewel.

A sapphire is one of the rarest stones in the world that even if one met another person with same model they wouldn't mind and would call themselves lucky.

The women in the room tugged on their men's sleeves, their expectant eye glued to the jewel, barely ablebto move away.

The host Introduced, "This sapphire was mined three years ago, a rare jewel that has been mined for hundred of years without an owner. But I'm sure it's going to belong to a very lucky lady tonight." He wincked.

"Will that be you?" Silent whispers and murmurs began among the crowd of people there. Every woman wanted the jewel but one who showed little interest to it.

Anna only wanted to see the lady that would get it tonight.