The crowd was astonished by what they heard.

"500 million? For a piece of Jewel? That was half a billion, the price of a diamond.

Who would want to larvish such huge amount for a stone?

After a few seconds of silence, it was an uproar in the hall.

Everyone collectively looked upstairs to see the person on the second floor. Who could be so rich to larvish such a amount, the person must be worth hundreds and hundreds of billions.

On the railing of the VIP room on the second floor, there was a hand with shining ring and diamond wrist watch landing occasionally on it.

Through the little gaps given people could make out a dark figure seating on a sofa. Though they couldn't see his face the dignified and powerful aura of the dark body was so far away that it took ones breath away.

Leaning close to the man was a slender and beautiful figure seated right next to him. Both people screamed and authoritative aura that made every soul speechless.

People began to wonder who they were.

Who are the rich couples sitting there?

When they came today, people said that the VIP room on the second floor was closed from anyone and no entry was allowed.

They had no idea why before, but now they knew why.

This man had bought the entire floor just for himself and the wife.

Noah was able to stuff the biggest shots in the city in one room just to make enough room for his wife. Just how powerful can he be?

"Half a billion?" Someone whispered still looking at the dark figure there who watched them all go crazy with just a mere word from him.

"Did we hear correctly?" Another man asked.

"Who is that man?"

"How can one spend such a amount of money on that woman?" A woman asked staring at Anna's figure with anger and jealousy. Though she couldn't see the beautiful Anna there, but Anna could see them all clearly.

Nari's face turned pale at the scene before her. Everyone was just talking about her not too long ago and now they were talking about someone else.

She never thought a day will come when she would find someone richer than Noah in Summerlane. There's no way another woman can be richer than she is, she needs to know who that man is.

Half a billion was half of Mack's net worth, there's no way he will be willing to spend half of his fortune on her!

She clenched her hands in annoyance as she glanced up to look at the two as she stared deadly at them in anger. She wanted whoever that man is for herself.

She couldn't believe she had just been reduced to nothing so easily. Right now nobody cared if she was seated there, all they talked about were the two unknown figures upstairs.

No! She won't let this happen to her. No one can steal her fame ever. She has worked so hard to achieve this and she wouldn't let anyone take it away from her.




Anna was still surprised by the sudden decision of Noah. She didn't need the diamond, especially since she bought a new red jewel today.

Though Anna loved those beautiful stones, she wasn't a fan of them. She hated to wear noticeable jewelry like other women and just went for something simple.

"No, don't bother about it." She said to see a side of Noah's lips pull up. His dark eyes glowed at her. She could see the man loved and enjoyed everything that was happening.

"The best revenge on that thing is stealing everything that belongs to her gradually. As for the man, you don't have to worry about him." Noah said briefly.

"Did he just call Nari a thing? She thought and smiled. Though Nari had done nothing to him, did he suddenly hater her because of her?

"We'll get the diamond, and you'll wear it for the event just to show off my love." Anna's heart skipped at his affection towards her. She bit her inner cheek to surpress her emotions.

This man is really going to be the death of her. She blinked her long lashes, her blue eyes held an unexplainable warmth in them as the muttered. "Thank you." She said.

Her thank you wasn't only for the diamond. Anna realized she hasn't had the time to thank this man for saving her life. If she hadn't met Noah that day, she couldn't tell how broken and dejected she would have been. Especially since her family had rejected her.

"You don't have to thank me. What is mine is yours as long as you are mine." Noah smiled.

Anna stared at Nari who looked to where she was with narrowed eyes. She could tell how desperate Nari had turned for money and power. It was still shocking how the once kind hearted Nari turned into a desperate opportunist.

Nari and Mack had mercilessly ruined her, she wouldn't mind if Noah did the same to them. They deserve everything they are facing after what they did to her.

Elder Vincent couldn't take it anymore and stepped inside the room which held Noah and his wife. "You rascal." He called and both Anna and Noah turned to look at him.

"When were you planning on telling your grandfather?" Vincent asked glaring at his grandson. When his eyes fell on the woman beside Noah, he smiled sweetly at her and Anna returned it.

"Good day sir." Anna's voice sounded like melody in his ears, it reminded him to the sweet fresh berries his mother usually gifts him those days and he would always fall asleep in her arms after eating them.

"She's so beautiful Noah." He said.

"This is my grandfather. Grandpa, Anna." Noah Introduced turning to the door to see Paul standing next to it. The man smiled when he saw his master's eyes on him, but Noah didn't return the smile. He glared at the man.

"It's wonderful to see you sir."

"No, call me grandpa." Vincent laughed holding Anna's hands so tenderly and she placed a kiss on his forehead. The old man smiled sheepishly. He felt fulfilled.

Anna turned to look at Noah who had a grim expression on his face. He glared at his grandfather and at the moment it looked like he could kill the old man. She wondered what had changed his mood so quickly and why he was suddenly acting this way.

"Let me invite you for dinner next week. Make sure you come with Noah." Vincent glared at his grandson, both men exchanging a look before turning to smile at Anna.

"Of course grandpa." Anna responded. The old man waved her a goodbye before leaving with Paul.