Anna was all dressed up and ready to leave the mansion when her phone rang. It was her PR team, it seemed they had the information she needed. She smiled.


"Everything is ready miss Sui." The girl from the other end said.

"Alright get ready we don't want anything to go wrong."

"Also, the Academy awards is coming up in two weeks. Dan said You will be attending as well as recieving an award on that day thanks to your connections."

"Alright thank you Lola, I'll see you later. Make sure you reach Linco and inform them about not interfering with whatever we have planned." She warned.

"Of course madam. You will also have to inform Mr Declan about it, especially since he stopped the last news from going far."

"I will." Anna responded before hanging up.

No one except her team knew about Noah's and her marriage yet and she wouldn't want anyone to know till she's done with her revenge.

She has planned this for days now, the entire plan started when Noah gifted her with her bride price. If only he knew what he had done to her. She would get her revenge on Nari and Mack and this time, things will go right.

Since everything was happening today, Anna decided to no longer take her things from Mack's apartment like she had planned, it'll only make things more complicated. Maybe she'll have to go some other time, but at least not today. Today was a special day for her, it's the day she will be back on everyone's lips again.

Still in her thoughts, her phone made a beeping sound and she checked what it was. Her heart skipped at the message she saw.

"When are you willing to come back home?

It was from an unknown sender, when Anna tried to check the sender her phone rang. It was the unknown number calling, she thought of who it could be.

Maybe it's her grandfather, maybe her family finally miss her and they want her back home.

But she couldn't.

It was already too late for that now. She's not a married woman, and even if her marriage was not yet out, she was still married to Noah. Anna bit her lips, wondering what to tell her family.

She had rushed and made a drastic decision when they all turned their back at her. A decision she didn't regret.

Anna breath out and picker the call...

"For a moment there I thought you wouldn't respond." A familiar voice sounded at the other end and she frowned.

This was not her grandfather, neither was it any of her aunt's.

"How dare you call me." Her cold voice rang.

"It's been days Anna. You act like we weren't in a relationship for seven years and wasn't about to get married. Yes I made a mistake and I regret it now." Mack said. He has been looking for the best time and opportunity to try to get the woman he once had back again.

With how Anna was obsessed with him, he doubts she hated him that much. She couldn't possibly destroy everything they've shared in a day could she?

"What part of it's over do you not understand Mack?" She asked, her cold tone not going down anytime soon.

"Alright, but can I at least see you. I want us to talk things out like we always did. I'm sorry for the lie I told your parents and the little stunt a few days ago." Mack clenched his fist recalling the drastic change that happened to his business after what he did.

They had lost their biggest sponsors and now their company was at the verge of bankruptcy. There was nothing much to do now to save the company, except selling it to a higher company which he was about to do.

It's so strange how things around him changed drastically in the space of one day. His only saviour now was this woman, and for some reason she was being impossible.

"We have nothing to talk about Mack. We're over and it's final." She hung up.

"She hung up!! He scoffed clicking his tongue.

Just when did this woman get so brave? The Anna he knew was shy and always endured the things he did to her no matter what. She was afraid of losing him and valued him like the only man in the world.

But right now, she didn't seem to care anymore. Mack relaxed on his swivel chair moving it sideways.

Did she find someone else? He shook his head in doubt, maybe it's her family who are sponsoring her again. Mack chuckled.

They did before and it was so easy to destroy and career. He had molded her to the woman he wanted. What makes them think he wouldn't do it again?

Just as he was still in his thoughts, the door to his office opened and Nari walked in along with his assistant.

"Are you really sure you want to sell the company Mack?" Nari asked worriedly as she stepped close to him and he nodded. He has made up his mind.

"There's no point keeping it and losing more money, plus the buyers gave good rates." Nari nodded as she sat on his leg.

Mack remembered when him and Nari started dating. The innocent girl that helped him in that small village when his car broke down at the middle of nowhere. They became friends after that, and gradually started a relationship.

At first it was meant to be a joke, Nari wanted him to date Anna and then breakup with her afterwards.

But when their families got involved, Mack was forced by his father to marry Anna because of what they could gain from it. They got engaged while he and Nari's relationship became a secret.

"Are you alright?" He heard her ask. She held his hands and placed it on her flat stomach. His child was growing in her.

She has endured so much humiliation because of him, and Mack wished he could turn back time and give her the life she deserves.

"Of course."

"Sir the buyers are here." His assistant announced. Before Mack could step out of the room, Paul walked in.