Noah's footsteps echoed through the grand entrance of the mansion, and Lurch, the aged butler, silently trailed behind his master. As the heavy door creaked shut, Lurch found himself muttering an inward prayer for peace.

His master didn't seem to be in a good mood tonight and he couldn't tell what would happen when both men finally meet.

The mansion, draped in shadows and secrets, seemed to hold its breath as the two figures navigated its opulent halls.

The tension in the air was noticeable, a consequence of the long-standing feud between Noah and Chalamet. Childhood friends turned sworn enemies, their dislike for each other had grown over the years, fostering an atmosphere of icy silence whenever they were together.

Noah and Chalamet, both possessing different personalities, stood at opposite ends of the emotional spectrum. Their encounters were marked by refined conversations and mutual hatred.

While Chalamet, enjoyed in the thrill of a vibrant social life. His days were a whirlwind of merriment, foolish vocations, and parties. The world was his playground, and he played in it with uncontrolled passion, often leaving behind chaos wherever he went.

To him, life was a stage, and he was its flamboyant performer, basking in the adulation of an audience that never seemed to dwindle.

On the contrary, Noah's world was a stark contrast. Clad in the armor of seriousness, he navigated the intricate chessboard of business with a meticulous and focused demeanor. Time, a precious commodity for him, was spent on strategic moves and calculated decisions. His circle of friends was small and exclusive, carefully chosen to match his ethos of loyalty and trust.

Their different personalities is the reason both men cannot stand each other, yet Noah was yet to understand what Chalamet was doing in his house today.

"I'll need my favorite drink Lurch." Noah suddenly said and the old butler bowed before leaving his master's side.

Noah's steps were quite but firm as the heels of his shoes clicked on the floor. As he entered the lounge, his gaze, lazy yet piercing, fell upon the figure sprawled on the couch.

On noticing the sudden chilly air, Chalamet turned to the door and smiled brightly. His evil cousin has returned, and just like the devil he was in his usual demonic suit.

"You don't seem to be in a good mood, cousin," Chalamet remarked, his smile widening into a playful grin. The room, now a battleground for both men, bore witness to the clash of their personalities.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were at Bristol," Noah inquired, his voice a low murmur that carried an undertone of skepticism. He circled the couch with deliberate steps, eventually settling into a single chair that seemed to bow to his commanding presence.

Chalamet, undeterred by the palpable chill in the air, leaned back, spreading his arms across the backrest of the couch. "Oh, dear cousin, Bristol was getting a bit too dull for my taste. Thought I'd grace this place with my vibrant presence," he quipped, his eyes glinting with a mixture of mischief and defiance.

Chalamet loved nothing more than taunting so much.

"I can see how boring my life has been all these while." Noah remarked sarcastically rising from where he sat. He was exhausted from the days work and was in no mood to talk with this man.

"Not with half a billion worth of jewel sitting in this mansion." Chalamet grin widened as those dark eyes met his blue ones.

"Don't tell me you want it." Noah sat back down when he saw Lurch arrive. The butler was agape to see the lounge was still in order and both men were yet to devour each other.

"This is new." Lurch murmured. He placed his master's favorite drink on the table with his personal glass before carefully pouring the drink inside the glass and handing it to his boss.

"You and I know you have no use for the diamond." Chalamet turned his gaze from the butler over to his cousin.

"And you have more use for it?" Noah asked.

"Not unless it belongs to someone else." Chalamet shrugged staring at his cousin who looked calm with narrowed eyes.

Noah's bored expression didn't change as he stared at his cousin silently.

If there is one thing they knew Noah for, it's his ways with women. He hated them with passion, and even if their grandfather had prepared countless blind dates for him with the most beautiful women earth has ever produced. None were able to satisfy this man.

They all aways end up in tears to never return again. At first they all thought he beats them or molest them or something, but he never did any of those things. But the woman just never agree to see him ever again.

With the way this old butler has been too strict around him. Chalamet glared at Lurch. He has hated this man since a child and the butler hates him too.

Chalamet knew a woman was living in this mansion, but what he couldn't understand was why he hasn't seen her since morning.

Did his cousin lock her up in a room so she doesn't come out?

Why was Noah hiding her?

Who is she?

This man before him cannot buy a useless piece of jewelry for himself, it's impossible. It has to be a woman, there has to be someone. Or perhaps was it a man.

Was his cousin... Gay? Chalamet shivered at the discovery.

A frown came to settle on his face as he thought about it. Even if his cousin was gay, what does his partner want with that Jewel. It was obvious it is a woman, but who is she.

"It does." He heard Noah said and his eyes glowed. Before Chalamet would ask about it, the door to the lounge opened and the sweetest voice he has ever heard sounded.

"Noah." Anna called stepping inside the lounge. She didn't see the blue wide eyes staring at her from the couch as she moved close to the man she had wanted to see.