"Do you hear that?" Elder Vincent yelled staring at the back of his son walking away.

"It's alright Grandpa." Noah signaled the maids and they took his grandfather to his room. He watched the old man and the maids leave silently and let out a sigh.

His grandfather was different from years back. He could see how lonely the old man was, but he still held unto his late wife's memory. He loved her so much to be with another woman.

It's not like he hasn't tried to find another woman initially, but just like him. All attempt to be happy again failed. After so any attempts, Vincent decided he wasn't meant to be with anyone again. He decided to stay single forever.

Noah stared at the now empty corridor his grandfather walked through and turned to leave when, "Noah."

He turned at the voice he heard to see Cara standing behind him. His sister's friend, the same person who had drugged him that night. His lazy eyes stared at her.