Once Noah and Anna reached the Sui's family mansion, he stepped out of the car to open the door for her and then escorted her all the way inside the mansion.

"Anna where have you been we've been trying to call you?" Kathy who was standing by the door with Bean and Grace.

"How are you doing child, we saw the news. Did you really do all of those things?" Katherine held her niece's hands.

Anna shook her head at her aunts words, "I just had to admit it so the accusations can stop." She said.

"You, why didn't you protect her enough?" Grace turned to Noah hiding behind Bean as she spoke. She hasn't forgotten the way he had threatened them yesterday and even changed their lives till this moment.

"Are you even her husband if you cannot protect her?" Grace continued.

"Aunty, Noah's innocent. He's the reason those reporters couldn't touch me." Anna defended her husband. Her aunt's loved handsome men, but she couldn't tell why they hated Noah so much.