Just as expected the paparazzi released the pictures he had of Anna and Noah. The picture didn't have a clear image of the two people, one wouldn't be able to tell if it was them or not but he still released it anyway.

Anything was acceptable in the public eyes as long as he attached a name to the photo.

Anna was a hot trendy topic on the web right now, so people would believe whatever they heard about her. Everyone wanted to use her name for cash grabs.

It didn't take long for the nosey fans to link the image to the one Anna had posted last night since she wore a similar outfit and jewel to the person in the photo.

The internet was once again in a frenzy. People wondered who the new man was.

Is this the man she left Mack Yong for?

Who is he?

While others were curious about knowing who it was, others still bashed her for it. But at least they have distracted the majority from trolling her.