It's been a week since Anna left her grandfather's mansion. She hadn't forgotten how Noah came to carry her away on his shoulders even if she protested many times.

Not even her grandfather or aunties could save her from him. She didn't want to return but he took her away. Now she was with Noah, she didn't think she was ready for marriage.

Anna hadn't thought this marriage through before getting into it, now she's stuck in it. There's no way out of it anymore.

She had thought of moving into a different room from his, but Noah didn't let her. He said all of the empty rooms were for their children.

Just how many children was he willing to have? There were more than 15 empty rooms in the mansion, was he willing to have that number of children?

She shuddered at the thought. She hasn't even thought of having a child yet, not to think of fifteen children. She sighed. Noah was a crazy man, she should have known he would do something like this.