"Uh, how can one person be this beautiful?" A woman standing at a corner asked the next woman standing next to her.

"She is indeed beautiful, but I wish her heart was as beautiful as her face." The other person said.

"What are you talking about?"

"Did you forget she has been the one to expose herself the last two weeks on the news? Saying she was jealous of Nari that's why she did those things to her two years ago." The woman frowned at her friend's words, glaring at Anna.

"Nari is such a good person. To still talk to the person that hurt you the most." The woman clicked her tongue.

"Yes, I remember this Anna girl. That is why I wasn't moved by her beauty when she came in." She said as they stared at her disdainfully.

Nari who had been standing with a few others while Anna stole the whole spotlight from her hooked her lips and walked over to welcome her ex-friend.