Noah dropped Lola off and carried Anna back home. His sweet wife has done her part, it is not time for him to finish it all. He sent Paul a text and then focused on his wife.

When they got back to the mansion, Noah didn't let Anna's feet touched the floor as he carried her in bridal style into the mansion. He has waited patiently for her to be done with her past and now she was done, he could now love her as his wife.

He could tell the whole world Anna is his and all men should stay clear from her.

"You don't have to." She objected even if she was already in his arms.

"Says who?" Not after all of the stress she went through today.

"I was thinking of a long vacation for just the two of us and then you can finally meet my family." It wasn't a question, he was going to do it even if she objected or not.