Evelyn Declan's birthday party is the biggest and most anticipated event every year. People always wonder what each year's party will be like because she always surpasses the previous one.

As always, she had invited every prestigious family in the city. The royal families were present, as well as deacons and duchesses, since Evelyn herself is from royalty. Many elite people from the country and far beyond were in attendance to celebrate with her.

Everyone was gathered in the ballroom, dressed in different attire and costumes, ready for the party. The celebration had been going on for a whole week, and most people had already been celebrating before today. Tonight marked the end of the festivities.

Gifts were already falling in as usual, diamonds of the highest quality, landed properties, real estates, jewels and much more. Even money was gifted. Evelyn has recieved lots and lots of gift and she was happy.