"B... But..."

"Didn't you hear me the first time or do you want me to repeat myself?" Noah said coldly.

"But we apologized and even humiliated ourselves sir." Nari spoke this time, she was yet to notice the familiar Blondie seated next to Noah.

"That's not even up to the humiliation you caused my wife. I told you to apologize to my wife publicly not mock her." Noah said.

"Do you take me for a fool Mack Yong?" Noah felt furious. If not for the woman seated beside him, he would have asked them to lick his bathroom floor. Rags deserve to be treated as rags.

He cannot stand any man who disrespects his woman. But Anna wouldn't allow it. She's just too good to be his wife, but he loves her that way. But that didn't mean he would let anyone step on her.

"But we did nothing to your wife sir." Nari stated.