'Were really sorry Anna, I especially am so sorry for everything I ever did to you. I was so stupid and I'm asking for your forgiveness."

Nari turned off the comment section of her live video cause of the nasty comments and curses everyone rained on her. Since their press conference apologizing to Anna Sui wasn't enough, they decided to use another method.

With the little money they had, Mack decided to spread their apology video around the country so that Noah would see it and finally accept it. He could only hope that man would accept this.

"Do you think he would love this, we just embarrassed ourselves even more apologizing again." Veronica asked her son. She turned to her husband Henry, but the old man didn't see a word to her.

He hasn't said a word since he met Anna last night. The shock he faced didn't allow him speak. Veronica could only hope for the best this time, she was tired of living in the slump like this place.