"What do you mean we don't have any money left?" Janjan asked the woman on the counter.

"Ma'am it's not to my doing. The card says insufficient funds." The cashier said. Anna who was standing there sighed in disappointment. They've been here for almost a week now and have spent all the money she had in that account.

Janjan had been the one to pack her bags and didn't carry the card with enough money in it.

"Try it again, that cannot be possible." Janjan yelled at the woman to see her try yet again it was declined. "Maybe it's a fake card or you have no money." The cashier said.

"You have no idea who you're talking to woman." Janjan raised her voice attracting the eyes of other people around to them.

"Fake card? What do you take us for scammers?" She sounded offended by the cashier's words.

"Do you know who this person is?" Janjan bragged pointing at her best friend and Anna froze. "Janjan." She called quietly.