After dinner both Anna and Noah retired to bed without a word to each other. Their dinner had been the most silent dinner since they knew each other which had everyone in the household shooked.

Though Lurch already made the announcement to act normal, they just couldn't ignore their master and Madam fight. Especially the servants who were asked to carry their masters belonging from the master's suite over to a normal room.

They had seen them argue with their own eyes even if they tried to ignore it.

If Anna was angry before, now she was furious at the restraining order Noah had placed on her family. Maybe her family would have thought of it first to keep him away from her.

As they stepped back into the room her phone rang again, when she checked the caller, it was her aunt Kathy. Anna quickly rushed into the bathroom to pick the call.

"Aunt Kathy." She called.

"Where are you Anna?" Came Kate's stern voice.

"I... I'm..."