"Where would you love to go to after this?" Noah asked as they almost approached the tall glass building standing tall by the side of the road with, 'GLAMSCORE', boldly written on it.

Anna didn't have a place in mind, but she knew she needed a little peace and quiet for herself. Her head and brain was clouded with everything that had happened today. She hadn't expected her day to be filled with so much drama but here she is.

"I don't know." She was honest, her once vibrant blue eyes now doll as she stared at him. "Do you have a place in mind?" She asked for her hubby to nod. She had asked him not to do anything this time since it concerns her family, but Noah, as always was itching to help his wife out.

He could just end this mystery with a click of his fingers. All he has to do was cough to make things happen. He didn't like seeing her this dispirited, but he had to respect her wish.