Before the announcement,


Anna was still in her dressing checking her dress once more when someone barged in. When she turned around, she saw Noah standing before her, a small smile formed on his lips as he stared at her.

"I couldn't wait to see you there and decided to come down here myself." He said to have her smile. "You look so breathtaking tonight." He pulled her close and her chest clashed against his softly.

"Noah." Anna gasped.

"What, I want to have a taste before those hungry men feast their eyes on my beautiful queen tonight." He said with a straight face that almost had Anna laughing out loud. Just how much more jealous can this man get.

She was worried about being the best tonight and here he is, worrying about how the men there would look at her. Are they not meant to look at her?

It would be a serious problem if they didn't.