For the years she has wanted to be a model, her family never supported her even if they had the resources to. They were quick to disown her publicly when the world turned against her. Her aunt Kate was an advocate in that.

They forced and tortured her along with Mack and the Yong family not to go back to her career. She cried every night, dying of depression. She became an alcoholic and almost a drug addict after everything, but no one cared.

But now... they were all dressed in their best attires to see someone else. Someone who had hurt her before, someone who almost killed her.

Anna's steps were hurried as she ran out of the hall, her face downcast. She didn't know where she was headed; she just knew she needed air. Her mind was a whirlwind of fear and anxiety, and she needed to be alone. Clutching her rumbling stomach, she moved faster, but before she could get out, she collided with something hard and almost stumbled to the floor.