Anna settled in the dining room after a heated argument with Noah about not letting her walk on her own for breakfast. She was determined to prove she was okay, even if she had spent the night in the hospital after fainting. She didn't want to be locked up in her room, especially after everything George had said to her. She needed to find a way to make George Borne pay for his actions.

She stared at Noah, who wore an indifferent expression as he chewed his food. Despite his stoic demeanor, he kept her close, meticulously placing more vegetables on her plate. Anna frowned, staring at the food without appetite.

This man will not let her leave the mansion today, no matter what. She sighed inwardly, feeling the weight of his overprotectiveness.

"You said Lola would reduce my workload," she started, trying to sound casual.

Noah looked up from his plate, his eyes narrowing slightly. "She will. You need to rest."