He turned her around swiftly to place her back against the wall while he devoured her lips.

He entwined their fingers together lifting them up and pressed her hands against the wall. "Not tonight sweetheart, I cannot touch you until we confirm you're fine from the doctor." He said next to her quivering lips to swallow it again. His hard member poking her thighs and Anna more than ever wanted it buried where it belonged.

Between her legs.

She wanted him crazily.

"I want you Noah." She said to hear him growl.

"I know." Noah said next to her ears, sucking her ear lobe. He wanted her as much too, and he hated that he couldn't have her yet. Not yet, they were expecting a child now.

"So why can't you touch me?" Anna asked. "Don't say it that way, I want you more than anything but we need to confirm from the doctor first to make sure you're okay. We'll be there by morning like he asked."