"Alright, no don't cry, I'll get the doctor okay?" Noah pressed the little emergency button on her bed as he wiped her tears with his thumb. But Anna was quick to slap it off. She was so confused and needed answer.

This man claim to be her husband yet she cannot recall getting married to anyone. The last thing she recalled was Mack telling her about his plans of getting married to her. So who the hell is this man?

"Anna!" Grace called as she stepped into the room. She had gone out for fresh air, yesterday's experience had been over whelming and she was yet to get over it. Coming back in, she saw that her neice was already awake.

"Oh my God, my baby." Grace rushed to her neice's side and hugged her. Anna hugged her aunt tightly as she buried her faced into the woman's neck seeking comfort. At the same time she raised her head to stare at Noah again, her blue eyes staring at his grey ones without blinking.