"Do you remember now?" Lola asked to see her boss shake her head. She was still angry at her aunt for adopting that girl. How can they do this to her, why would they do this to her?

"Lola I need to go to the Sui's mansion immediately. I need to confirm something for myself." Anna said immediately picking her bags.

"But ma'am..."

"We'll talk another time and even complete whatever needs to be completed." Anna said as she rushed out of her office. Two guards trailed behind her as she walked hurriedly, her red floral dress moving with the frequency of the wind she moved with.

There were a bunch of models moving with an instructor, Noah already told her she would be handling them for now. Her job mostly was to train new models and influencers so that they could handle little jobs while she gets the important ones.

The company just started and was already making waves in the industry, it has become one of the best entertainment companies in the world.