"I can't believe Anna would do this to us." Nari said frustratedly laying on her mother's leg. Their day has been less productive since the announcement.

She couldn't believe the Sui's had gone broke overnight. She couldn't do any of the things she wanted to do, she couldn't go for her movie shoot today because of how broke they have become. She couldn't begin to imagine how the people there would treat her when they see the news.

This news has made her miss her shoot today. She knew George would be angry with her, but she would find a way to apologize to him.

Nari gritted her teeth at the thought of it. Her reputation was on an eggshell. The reputation she has managed to build back again.

"And to think your grandfather has gotten so weak. Can you believe he wants to make amends with the Declan's?" Kate was yet to believe it. Rather than blaming Anna for everything as usual, her father had placed the blame on her.