"Are you okay, Miss?" Mack asked so innocently. Anna nodded, waving her hand for him to leave. He did, but not without a concerned glance back. Noah had warned her not to get close to Mack if she wanted him alive. What is he even doing at this party?

She darted her gaze around the room, searching for her Aunt Grace. She had asked Grace to come before her, but now she couldn't find her anywhere.

"Is everything okay, Anna?" Evelyn asked, noticing her distress.

Anna nodded. "I'll be back. I need to look for my Aunt," she said, placing her untouched drink on the table next to them. She wasn't even supposed to be close to the Declans tonight to avoid suspicious gazes, especially those of gossip mongers.

People would start thinking things and rumors would spread everywhere with different storyline and think pieces.