"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO WITH TWO HUNDRED MILLION?" General Sui barked, his voice echoing through the room. Fury blazed in his eyes as he spoke to his daughter. "Did you think I wouldn't find out? Giving out money for what?"

He had tasked his assistant, Alfred, with bringing the records for their financial transactions over the last two months, and the results were staggering. Half a billion had been spent on what he considered frivolous and unnecessary things. Nari and her mother, Kate, had been draining their accounts with reckless spendings.

"For Nari. What else would I use it for?" Kate replied nonchalantly.

The general gritted his teeth at her dismissive tone. When had Kate, once his most responsible daughter, become so irresponsible? Since adopting Nari, she had rarely visited her office. Her days were consumed with extravagant spending sprees.