After breakfast, Noah returned to the bedroom where his wife was. She had finished eating and was on the balcony, watching the sea.

Since it was still morning, Anna stepped out to watch the chirping birds pass by. Dolphins were playing in the water, and the gentle breeze carried the scent of salt and the open ocean.

The current of the water was so high, carrying waves upon waves that made the yacht dangle on the surface. Anna's grip on the railings tightened, her knuckles turning white. It would be disastrous if she fell off the balcony and into the churning water below.

She couldn't remember the last time she had taken her swimming lessons seriously.

The water looked so clear, reminding her of the stream back at their mansion. However, the fish here were different. Her grandfather usually bought new fish for the stream, and on most days when she had time, she fed them herself. Other times, she let the maids do their jobs.