Kate and her family arrived at the hospital and rushed in almost immediately. She was scared for her father—not because she cared about him, but because she didn't want him to wake up. Kate wanted her plans to go as smoothly as possible without leaving any trace that could lead back to her.

That was why she had blamed her niece in the first place. She needed to remove attention from herself in any way possible.

"We're here for Gabriel Sui," she said to the receptionist, who nodded immediately and led her to the General's room. When Kate and her family reached the glass-walled room where the General was being treated, they were greeted three men in black attire. Inside the room was Anna and her Aunt Grace and one more guard at a corner.

Kate frowned almost immediately. She knew who's responsible for these. That boy Noah Declan is really biting more than he can chew. She gritted her teeth in anger as she twisted the door nob.