Before Grace and Anna reached the doctor's office a security guard approached them. "Ma'am, I have been asked to excort you two out of here till everything is resolved." Grace furrowed her brows in confusion. What are they talking about?

What did they mean by she's been escorted out of here? And what are they resolving?

"What does that mean, you have no right to send me out of here. The general is also my father." She yelled at them attracting the eyes of the people around.

They were no longer ING th private sector the General was kept, but they were at the general sector where normal people were being attended to.

"Have some shame Grace, this is a hospital." Martha who had just stepped out of the doctor's office with her family said to her. She had been the one to send the guard to kick Grace and Anna out of the building.

"What is the meaning of these Martha?" Anna asked. She couldn't believe what they were doing.