"Did you see what that neice of yours has caused Kate?" Martha yelled furiously at her niece. She only heard Noah Declan was Anna's boss; she had no idea her niece was in fact married to the man. How did she not know about this? Was this why her brother had called her that day angry, or was it something else?


Gabriel had only complained about his daughter and granddaughter. He wanted to say more, but their call was cut off. Who knew the next time she would see him again, he would be in the hospital fighting for his life?


The only heir of the Declan's empire was after her and her family, and there's nothing they could do about it. No one dared harm a Declan; should she have known, she wouldn't have treated her niece the way she did.


"Calm down, Aunty, and tell me what happened." Kate said, guiding the woman to sit on the sofa. "Bean, get Aunt Martha tea." Bean bowed and started walking away.