Anna closed her eyes, she tried to recall an event from a child. A time where she played the notes beautifully but nothing was coming to her. One minute past, and the next came, but still nothing. She tried to think, she tried to remember something, anything, but nothing came to her.

She had remembered before, so what is happening now?

She started to panick, her hands shaking on the keyboard. She couldn't remember anything, not one thing about her past. Oh this is so embarrassing. And the audience weren't helping at all as they started to murmur.

Damien who watched his student, squat to her level, "Is everything okay Anna?" He asked but the girl didn't respond. She closed her eyes so tight.

"It's okay you can open your eyes. It's alright if you don't remember anything, there will be a next time." Damien said calmly.