As Anna watched Julia walk away she turned to Laura. "I still want to see the video tape if that's possible Mrs Laura." She asked to politely. The thing is that she didn't trust anything Julia said one minute. She isn't a fool to not know Nari's game plans and if she doesn't put an end to this, that bitch will never stop.

"Why? We already know who did it." Laura said.

"We don't until we see with our own eyes first." Anna said with a straight face and then she smiled sweetly. "You see Mrs Laura, I don't believe she knows who did it. I think she did it and is trying to cover up for it. I don't mean to be so much trouble to you."

"That's a strong accusation."

"It's not an accusation, if I'm certain about it." Anna said.

"You know the consequences of laying such claims without proof Anna. What if we check and it's not true?" Laura asked.

"The. I'll face whatever consequences there is." Anna stated.