Noah was a bit disappointed about their attendance to the party being useless. They didn't even get to see the side of the mansion where the incident happened. It's the only way his wife can remember what had happened. The Shen's seemed to have figured out that's why they hosted the party at the next sector of their mansion.

Their action only fuels his believe that his wife didn't slip and was pushed by someone. Someone they're trying to hide, or they did it themselves. Just how much more does he have to make them suffer?

What more punishment does he give to make them speak?

There must be another way. It would be rude and uncouth if he just barge into their mansion without permission, unless...

"Noah, you're leaving so early." Chalamet who had noticed his cousin leave walked up to him immediately. He had seen the way Janjan treated Anna, though he scolded her, he still wasn't happy with what she did.