"You have no money for it." Kate stared at the girl. She didn't even have the time to ask about how she had handled the fake campaign. She wanted to believe Nari had handled everything well. After all, she's way smarter than Anna and a big girl. If Anna were the one in this mess with her, they would have been dead by now.

But what Kate forgot was that, her neice stopped using their family money the very time she rose to fame. Everything Anna had done and acquired were all out of her pockets. That was why she could live alone when her grandfather disowned her.

"You don't have to worry mother. Janjan and the Shens are good friends of mine, they would help me without blinking." Nari said with confidence and her mother nodded.

But doesn't that mean, if Nari were to ask the Shens for help, she would have no one to fall back on? Plus she already called Shen, and he said he would call back but he hasn't.