17. The party 3.


Strolling down the hallway, his narrowed eyes remained cold and impassive. He looked like he just murdered someone but still appeared very composed, having arranged his suit beforehand right before he stepped out of the bathroom.

What was this feeling of dissatisfaction all of a sudden?

Yeah, he was out of the blue balls phrase and his head was not foggy anymore, but his body, his mind, his head knew that he wanted more, he needed more, he wanted the man that caused this hunger... He needed Kim Mun Ho.

This cannot continue any longer.

He strolled further into the hallway that led towards the stallion grandeur where he left Nasir at a defined pace, stealing glances once again but does he really care? At this point, he wasn't even sure if he wanted to be there anymore.

Going there he thought that maybe just maybe a little bit of alcohol and the faces of strangers, or even Nasir's company would get his mind off this Kim of a guy, but it only made it worse. Now he felt the uttermost disgust, trying to push off the thought of just getting a blowjob from a commoner. His body itched from the thought of it.

He needed to find Nasir and tell him that he was leaving.

As he cornered into the stadium, he sighted him, but he was not alone. Apparently, the event had started, they had long cut the ribbons and the stallion was officially open, filled with guests and paparazzies. He watched him from a distance with a lifted brow. He still had that forced smile on his face. It was obvious that was not comfortable around those men, but he still tried to keep up that appearance for the camera as usual. With a frown and a scoff, he strode towards them.

Where have you been, Xander? You took so long". Nasir mouthed when he appeared out of nowhere and stood beside him, causing those men to leave them alone. Yeah, he is pretty known for his strictness and arrogance. Being that he had been there a couple of times, he was pretty popular amongst the Arab folks for his rudeness so they all avoided him and never dared to cross his bounds.

"I was taking care of some business, it was urgent". He spoke with a lifted brow, looking straight at the man who stepped in front of him with a camera in front of his eyes.

"Then it must've been very important, seeing that you abandoned me and your gift in the stallion". He spoke through his teeth still managing a smile in front of the camera.

"Tsk... You really do live for the fame, don't you? At this point you're gonna age faster with wrinkles if you keep smiling like that".

"Like frowning would help anyway, Grinchy". His eyes stayed fixed on the camera as it captured them both.

"At least I get to choose when I let these lowlifes see my pure white teeth".

With a chuckle, Nasir stole a glance from him. "You are insane". He mouthed in between laughs and Alexander managed a grin. He was still very much feeling like shit, but it would be pretty shitty if he just left Nasir, and he knows, but he didn't care. He just needed to leave, the urge to start on a quest he needed desperately blinding his feeling of care.

"Mmn... It looks like you've got everything sorted out here, so I won't feel bad about taking my leave". He spoke with a straight face.

"What? What do you mean? You just got here". Nasir spoke with furrowed brows. "We haven't even gotten to the best part yet".

"I know, but something just came up".

"Yeah, right, something just came up, you traitor... I know you have nothing on your schedule this weekend, I checked". He groaned in a mumble, trying to look composed in front of the camera, still blackmailing his friend.

"You checked? Oh wow! Why am I not even surprised, you creep?" Alexander blasted looking straight at the camera without flinching. "What the fuck were you even thinking going around checking my schedules like a little freak? Huh? That it'll stop me from leaving from parties early? Huh, wifey?"

"You little shit...". He took his eyes back to Alexander gritting his teeth when he saw the sly grin on his face. "Oh, you're finding your little shit talk funny? Huh? What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing... Just you forgot to smile to the camera, your majesty... Eyes front". He mouthed with a grin causing Nasir to grunt in annoyance in between his teeth.

They were still on it before suddenly a man walked up to them. He appeared to be one of the guys that worked in the party. He strolled slightly behind Nasir whispering words in his ear.

"Oh, good". Nasir mouthed, taking his eyes further towards the racing track. "Habibi, you are going to stay for this one, right? At least watch how impressive the horses are on the track".

"Nope, I am not interested". Alexander stated plainly.

"Haha... You are with me, so you are not in a place to say no". He smiled with his eyes. "C'mon, just stay for just one race, just one, hmm?" Nasir pleaded, leading him towards the seats prepared for them before the voice of the commentators filled the air.

Commentators: Ladies and gentlemen let us begin as we welcome our racers and their horses to the stadium. I am Haaran Ahmed, I will be your host for today, and by my side is Hakeem Lyon, my Co-host. Amidst us is the crowned prince of Dubai himself, Mohammed Nasir Malik, and by his side is the king of the media, Alexander Gareth Hilmpton, and the Royal household.

They announced, arousing applause and cheers.

Commentators; we also have a very special guest here today, he will ride one of the special horses as instructed by the crowned prince. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, Kim Mun Ho.


Alexander's eyes shot open... His gaze fixed at the entrance of the stallion, staring from where he sat... Waiting... That name resounded over and over again in his headspace.

He is here? In Dubai?

He kept looking at the entrance of the stallion, giving it all his attention, focus, and thoughts, completely oblivious to the man who sat beside him. For the first time since Nasir knew him, he saw a different expression printed on the face of the indifferent man. Shock? Curiosity? Love? Hate?

His eyes remained on him for a while before the bewildered chuckle escaped his lips.

"You haven't even seen the horses yet, what has caught your attention, you sly man?" Nasir asked taking his eyes where Alexander focused on still with a smile, wondering what he was looking at so intently, as far as he knew he had known this man long enough to know that nothing of any sort had piqued his interest for years now, so what could be so precious to do so? What was capable of unleashing such emotions from this indifferent man?

He was still in his thoughts, his eyes fixed where his friend's attention centered when the slender physique of an alluring man with the whitest skin he had ever seen strode out of the stallion alongside the golden Akhal-Teke horse, stunning the entire crowd with their elegance, magnificence, and beauty.

"... They are beautiful aren't they?" Nasir asked, eyes searching for an emotion from the scene that played in front of him, waiting for Alexander to say something, anything to his words but his ears were left starved because the man beside him had long drifted far away from his surroundings. As a matter of fact, he paid no attention to anything around him.


His eyes grazed as though hypnotized by the individual who remained the only one in his sight. No, he was completely hypnotized. Too hypnotized to hear the questions asked. Too hypnotized to hear the chanting of the crowd. Too hypnotized to hear his name. Too hypnotized to see the man staring right back at him. From the highest seat in the stadium, his eyes remained locked on the man beneath him as the entire world stopped moving.

"Xander? Xander! Nasir called out, nudging his shoulder slightly before he managed to drag his eyes from below him to the man beside him. "I see you can't take your eyes off my golden beauty, huh?" He snickered taking a glass from the waiter that stood beside him. "See? I told you... I told you it was worth waiting but you..."

"You know the rider?" Alexander cut him off with his question, taking his eyes off him right after, to the man already getting on the horse.

"Huh? Oh? You mean that guy?" Nasir asked with eyes on the man also as they both watched him. "He came to me earlier, requesting to ride my golden Akhal-Teke horse".

"And you just gave him?"

"Yeah, he seemed quite interesting... Plus he knew what he was doing judging from his experience on horses".


The files didn't say so.

His eyes remained on the man who was now galloping on the horse, bouncing up and down to its movement. He controlled the horse pretty well maintaining flawless poses as the attention of the entire stadium centered on him, cheering him with applause.

A flawless man on a flawless horse. The perfect combo.

It was perfection.

His kind of perfection. His kind of flawlessness.

Sitting right there on the highest seat in the stallion grandeur, Alexander felt his abdomen quiver to the perfection of the alluring physique of the man on the horse.

"Interesting". He muttered. "Very interesting".