30. Officially lovers.

Kim Mun Ho.


His heart thudded rapidly in his chest. He knew exactly who this was, no one had to tell him. He felt the hairs on his skin rise before the goosebumps took over. His hands trembled as he decided to ignore it and act as though he didn't see it or reply to it.

Obviously, he was not going to reply.

What was he going to say to this? Hey?

What if this was a random prank or a spam? There's no way he was going to fall for some shitty text spam.

With a frown, he swiped the message off his screen turning the milk in his grip into the glass he brought out and placed it in between his lips to suck when his phone started buzzing again, startling him. He almost spilt the liquid in his mouth.

What the hell? It's the same number. He thought with wide eyes, swallowing the liquid in his mouth as he picked up the phone, eyes fixed on the screen.