32. I Like You Even More.

Kim Mun Ho.

Just like the previous day, it felt as though he had been teleported into a new day. But this time, the air he breathed was of his scent. Yeah, you guessed right... Alexander.

He opened his lids to the bright ceiling. There were series of inbuilt lights staged on him causing him to jolt awake. The wide bed was nothing compared to the vastness of the room and the unknown relief he felt was excruciating. It felt as though he had just had one of the best sex he had ever had in his life but that was not the case, it was different. He didn't have sex... He had something else.

He couldn't help the perplexed look on his face as his hands went straight to his lips. What happened the previous day was still a shock to him, but before he could reminisce much longer, the doors swung open wide to a man in his mid thirties, and another that accompanied him stood behind.

What is going on?