Chapter One

I am sick, Of a rare sickness. Or not it's up to the person. I have Hanahaki, a disease in which a person, is in love with someone who doesn't love them back, the person will begin to through up the petals of a flower, and later a whole flower.

The person can get rid of it but they lose all memory of the person they were in love with. And if you don't well ... You know the rest .

I'm in love with someone, who in fact doesn't love me back. And how funny is it that I got the disease, you'd think I would have gotten surgery but nope, I can't forget that person.I ... Love them too much to lose them .

Many people would think "Oh, so they must be your best friend " or something like that. But nope the person I'm in love with doesn't know I exist, they did once however. 

We were inseparable when we were kids. You would always find us by each other. But when he turned four and got his quirk. He changed. He became angry and distant. 

I tried to talk to him but it only made the situation worse. He began to bully me after that but once we got older he stopped. He just ignored me and acted like I was invisible to him. 

Like he never knew me. This is so much worse to me. And this was what caused the disease to bloom. I threw up petals day and night. It got worse every time I saw him or thought of him. And with each passing day, I felt more alone. 

My parents didn't know, they were always working so they were never home, Busy being heroes. I don't know if should be thankful or angry about that.

I'm fifteen now and in the hero school UA.I thought that it would go away since we were going to high school. but knowing him, he of course chose UA. He wants to be the best and U.A is the best . And my parents put me in that school since they want the best for their daughter .

So I guess I'll die sooner than later. As the disease gets worse each day I see him. And it doesn't help now that we live in dorms at the school. So as they say goodbye cruel world or is it clear my browser history. Probably both.

I sat in my seat talking with my friends. And no they don't know about my disease. It would just cause more trouble than I'm worth .

Our teacher hasn't come in yet so we're just having fun. My friends consisted of Tokoyami, Jiro,tsu, Momo,todoroki, and obviously me, my best friends however are in different classes. So I hang out with these five .

I looked over at the person who caused my entire mess. He had blond hair and blood-red eyes. Bakugou Katsuki.He was sitting in his chair talking ... Listening to his friends.It looked like he wasn't paying attention but the way his ears perked showed otherwise

.He sat with his arms folded and eyes closed.I sighed before laying on my arms.Seeing him only reminded me of my death that was coming. I'm sure gonna miss everyone. But most of all I was gonna miss him. How ironic My friends stopped talking before turning to me.

"what's wrong katsumi ?" Asked tokoyami .

"it's obvious she's in love," said Tsuyu putting her finger on her chin.

"with who?" Asked Momo and Todoroki.

Jiro laughed before saying the exact words I didn't want her to say "Bakugou,duh" She chuckled I shut her mouth 

"shhh," I said.

"why ?" Asked Todoroki confused. I just sat back down and sighed.

"yes I too would like to know," said Tokoyami.

"you can't help who you fell in love with," said Tsu sticking out her tongue. Momo nodded and Jiro chuckled but tokoyami and todoroki were still confused. before they could ask again the teacher walked in.


Since my usual friend group had a project,I sat with other friend group. we all ate our food over the conversation. you know normal stuff.

"What I would like to know is why katsumi likes Bakugou" said Todoroki.I sighed 

"do you want me to make a list of things," I said annoyed.

"it's probably for his looks," said Jiro This made me snap,

"no, that's one of the reasons I like him," I said with a glare.

"well then change my mind," she said.

"Will you stop bothering me then ?" I ask, and they all nod.I sighed before beginning"I like his determination to be number one so that he can be the best hero and save people, even though he doesn't show it. I like how he's protective of his friends and family, and how he will not take no for an answer ."

I took a deep breath before carrying on ." I like his voice, and how he has his own attitude. He doesn't give a fuck about what people think and will be his self, even if people break him down about it .he doesn't show his pain, and tries to be strong. I like his courage and bravery and that's just mentioning a few things" I said taking a sip of water.

"wow, Katsumi, I didn't know you read so deeply into people," said Tsu. I shrugged looking away, feeling my ears and face heat up.

"I didn't even know bakugou was like that," said Momo, astonished.

"I try not to judge a book by its cover," I said looking back at them. They all nodded, but we were cut short when we heard an alarm." code red" a red light flashed in the room Students began to head to the exit . we stood up, to follow behind when it went dark.

"What happened to the lights ?!" Someone asked. The windows must have shut down ."everyone stand still," we heard lunch rush say .

I sighed and listened to the hero before using one of my quirks My light filled the room. everyone looked relieved about it. I sat back down thinking it was nothing After a while the lights came back on and I stopped my quirk.

I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding. when I heard a yell" Bakugou!!!" I stood up immediately. Lunch rush ran to the sound.

"katsumi!!" I didn't even know I was running till I heard my friends yell. I stopped next to Kirishima, and I felt my breath stop. Bakugou was lying motionless on the floor All bad scenarios went through my head.

"he's breathing;katsumi go get the nurse " I nodded before using my other quirk and sped to the nurse's office.