Chapter Three

Ururaka and I walked back to the group. 

"Hey, Katsumi? Everything Alright?" Kirishima asked.

"Yeah she's fine" Ururaka answered for me. I gave her a grateful smile. 

My eyes turned to Bakugo who was already staring at me with a concerned look. 

I inhaled sharply but ururaka gave me a reassuring squeeze. We walked closer and everyone just continued to talk how different Bakugo was. I didn't really listen and just continued to shift from one foot to the other.

I could feel myself getting dizzy. So I decided to go to my room.

"Hey, sorry guys but I have homework to do. " I said with a small smile.

"Want me to help you ?" Bakugo spoke up. Making everyone's eyes widen.

" no, it's quite alright," I said but I could feel a cough coming. So I quickly ran upstairs.

Third pov:

"Did I say something wrong ?" Bakugo asked Kirishima

"No I just think she's shy is all," kiri said

"Well not surprising. She was like that in junior high." Bakugo said mostly to himself

"You knew katsumi from junior high?" Mina asked surprise

"Yeah we were childhood friends," Bakugo said staring toward the place katsumi ran off to.

"But I pushed her away when I got my quirk. " bakugo said feeling guilty.


I burst into my bathroom and cough up all the crimson petals. There was more blood than usual.

But I wiped my mouth and flushed the toilet.

Looks like I don't have much time left.

I went to my desk and quickly began with homework.

It wasn't long before I was finished and I decided to get in comfortable clothes.

I chose a baggy T-shirt to hide my belly and a pair of baggy pants.

I usually wore baggy clothes to hide my body after that one incident in junior high.


I walked into the festival wearing the new dress my mom had bought me.

I was very excited. I felt comfortable until I felt the stares.

I felt a poke on my shoulder.

I turned around to find one of the popular girls.

"That's a really nice dress..."

"Oh thank you, I just got-"

She cut me off

" if only it wasn't worn by such a cow."

She said bursting into laughter.

Making others around her do the same.

I ran as fast as I could home.

I sighed shaking my head and got the memory out of my mind.

I tied my medium hair up in a bun and walked out of my room making my way downstairs. Making sure to lock my door.

I could smell the delicious food but I wasn't really hungry but I was under strict orders from Aiziwa to eat after i fainted in class from not eating for three days.

However, I still made sure to put in small portions and only ate once a day. Which I know isn't healthy. But I've tried every diet out there and not one of them helped me lose weight.

So I decided to stick to my old habits. And of course, trained until I fell to my knees.

I sat down at a table with no one around and started to slowly eat my meal. Which was in tonight's case miso soup and tofu with fish.

I stopped mid-chew when I saw a hand grab a chair in front of me. I looked up only to see two crimson ones staring back.

My eyes widened but I quickly looked away trying to keep myself from coughing.

Soon the rest of the bakugo squad joined the table. I tried to eat more quickly. I didn't like crowds.

Or being watched eating.

Only when I went to stand up I was stopped in my tracks by someone grabbing my wrist.

I looked at the culprit to see the reason for my demise.

"Hey, you don't have to leave in such a hurry." He said calmly

My eyes widened.

"Come back when you're done putting your plate away." He said and let go

I was frozen in fear but for some strange reason, my body did as he told me.

I sat down not making eye contact.

"Katsumi, right?" Bakugo asked.

I nodded not looking up.

"You don't have to be scared you know." He said. "I'm not Medusa. You won't turn into stone."

At that, i slowly looked up and met his eyes. I inaudibly gasped. He was smiling. The last time i saw that smile was when we were playing as kids.

I felt a sudden cough come up and quickly covered my mouth.

I ran to the bathroom.

Everyone looked in confusion as I ran past. But I made sure to lock the door behind me before i crouched down and coughed up all the petals.

The next morning~

I continued with my routine and made my way to the door so that I could get to class. But I was stopped in my tracks when I heard my name being called.

"Katsumi!" Mina yelled. 

I turned around to see the entire Bakugo squad. 

"Walk with us!" She yelled. 

My eyes widened as I met eyes with Bakugo. I coughed but kept the petals down.

"Why are you always coughing?" Kaminari asked putting a hand on my shoulder. 

I chuckled. "Guess I'm a bit under the weather," I said scratching the back of my neck. 

"You really should go see a doctor," Kirishima said also coming over.

"It's okay I'll just go see the nurse," I said nervously. 

I'm always used to being alone so this was a bit awkward for me. 

"hey, hands off," Bakugo said grabbing Kaminari's hand. 

Everyone looked confused. 

"I was just talking to her man," Kaminari said. 

but only Mina and Kirishima had a knowing look. 

"You can do that without touching her," Bakugo said. 

Bakugo let go of his hand before he came closer to me. He was only inches away. I inhaled sharply. he opened his mouth about to say something but I just turned around and ran. I ran as fast as I could to a tree and coughed up the petals. only this time it wasn't a petal but a whole rose. 

my eyes widened. I was in the final stages now.