'The search term will come up soon. These days, once a photo spreads, it'll be immediately registered as a search term.'

Hansoo, who was confident, was right. After work in the evening, when I typed 'Fucking car' on the computer in the studio, Myungshin's sports car came out. Now I just needed someone to push him. I had made a phone call before going to Alice. Fortunately, Cha Jungwoo's road manager, who remembered me, connected me to Cha Jungwoo.

[Lee Taemin? What do you want, it's bothersome.]

A voice full of annoyance echoed in my ears. Perhaps he was quite tired because of the most difficult performance of his life. I ignored his condition and asked the question.

"Do you feel stuffy?"

[Why do you ask that?]

"I'll give you some fresh air."

[Don't be ridiculous. How do you know if I'm feeling stuffy or not?]

"It's boring to stay at home and take out your anger on innocent people. I'll make you be able to curse properly."

[By what means?] The question was immediately asked.

"Come to Alice. Then Song Yoohan is waiting for you to unwind as much as you want."

Silence flowed over the receiver at Myungshin's name. He was probably gnashing his teeth as soon as he heard the name. Sure enough, he asked in a low voice.

[Is that bastard there now?]

"Yes. And there are effective ways to step on his ego."

[What is it?]

"When you provoke Song Yoohan, laugh at his car. It will work right away."

When Cha Jungwoo asked in disbelief, 'How do you know that?', my lips twisted involuntarily. How did I know, I found out thanks to him.

"Since the watch worked, a more expensive car would of course work."


To be honest, coming to Alice was a little uncomfortable. The cause of the discomfort was the madman who kept coming to mind even when I tried not to care. Things like me waiting for him to contact me like Hansoo had pointed out, or me being bewildered seeing him at Alice two days ago. These things still didn't disappear and remained inside, so I didn't want to come if I could, but there was no place more suitable than Alice.

Besides, the privilege of being able to come and go freely due to my status as a trainee was not common. So when the manager who greeted me informed me of the absence of the madman, I let out a sigh of relief in my heart. But it was too early to be relieved.

"The boss is waiting for you."

I didn't say I was coming, but he was waiting? The manager replied with a robot-like smile, as if he knew what I meant by my silence.

"Actor Song Yoohan came and asked me to let him know that an actor named Lee Taemin is coming."

He must have been quite concerned about who my sponsor was. Thinking of him waiting impatiently, I also asked.

"Will you let Song Yoohan know in an hour or two? That Lee Taemin came."

"What should I do if he leaves before then?"

"He's not leaving."

I smiled and reassured him.

"The punk will never leave."

There is no way he would go as long as they recognize me as an enemy. And I thought I should read the book that madman gave me for the leisurely time left. Of course, I had something to do before that, so I prepared my mind.

"Should I go to the boss's room?"

The manager nodded and guided me through as usual. This time, I decided not to be surprised no matter what the boss said, and opened the door. After that, the scenery in the room made me dumbfounded. The room was full of all kinds of garlands and bouquets.

What appeared to be congratulatory flowers also had ribbons with letters on them, and the most prominent phrases were "congratulations, family reunion" and "great job, uncle." Surrounded by them, the boss was sitting in front of his desk with a triumphant expression and doing work. I already knew his exaggerated personality, but it hit me even more. So I was surprised too. How the hell did he succeed in business?

"Ah, Baekwon, are you here?"

I took a deep breath and entered the flower hell. However, his expression, with his chin raised and his eyes shining, was a bit strange. As if he wanted me to notice something. After taking a few steps, I pretended to look around and forced myself to ask.

"… I guess something good happened?"

"Huh? Something good? No, what good thing hahaha, there is no such thing. Hahahaha!"

He stood up from his seat, laughing as if he had been waiting. Then he pointed to the flowers around him.

"This is nothing. Oh, no matter what you heard, people would send things like this for no reason."

Of course they would if he's passing rice cakes. But, 'great job, uncle'? Anyone who sees it would think that he was admitted to Seoul National University's Uncle Department. As I looked at the handwriting, the boss cleared his throat.

"Ahemm, you didn't know that, but actually I was Jay's uncle."

Of course, this is a fact I heard from the madman, but the excited boss might distribute rice cakes to the entire village if I said this so I just nodded my head. Then he showed some disappointment.

"You don't seem surprised?"

"You said you were relatives before."

"Ah, well yeah, but…"

His lower lip pouted as he turned his head to the side. Perhaps, like the people who sent the wreaths, he was expecting an enthusiastic response, but instead I looked sullen. Of course, I had no desire to comfort him. But when I came in, there was something I wanted to ask. If the host who will be called into Myungshin's room brought up his car, that prick will be even more upset, wouldn't he? If I use my cards well, Myungshin might change the car right away as I want. Shaking my head, I slowly opened my mouth.

"There is that, and in fact, you two resemble each other, so I was guessing you were close relatives."

"L- Look alike?"

I nodded. In an instant, his face turned red.

"Ahemm, well. I- I hear that kind of thing often."

It was obviously the first time he heard it. The boss's face contorted as if he was angry from holding back joy. It seemed that if I asked him a favor now, he would listen to anything. And I complimented him with that intention, but the other person's reaction was too honest. The boss's eyes were like a child's, and there was a light of joy flowing out of them. Seeing that, I suddenly didn't want to ask.

Even if it wasn't for this request, I could provoke Myungshin. I made an excuse for myself, but underneath that, there was envy. His joy at the fact that he was getting closer to the madman after seeing the small changes in him strangely made my heart ache. His heart reacted easily. Or maybe I was envious of him being able to express it even through the ridiculous act of passing rice cakes. Because I couldn't do that. Because I couldn't feel it. No, I have to get rid of it… even if I feel it. At the same time, there was a face that came to mind. The guy who has made me feel weird these days.

"But I guess you didn't come to see Jay today? I haven't heard from him about coming here."

"Yes," he nodded, concluding to himself. That's right, I had to get rid of this feeling right now. Because I was reacting to the madman. Love or whatever it might be.

"I threw the bait at Song Yoohan. He's meeting his sponsor here today. But in reality, I want to have him run into Cha Jungwoo."

The boss returned to his usual expression and quickly understood my intentions.

"I heard that Cha Jungwoo will soon go into the army and go into hiding to volunteer, so using him… Is it just a small bait to lure him into a bigger trap?"

I nodded.

"It's a bigger trap."

The muttering boss smiled and pointed out the core of my plan at once. To the point where I was nervous because I was caught so easily.

"You're trying to get him away from Chairman Kim."


Until Cha Jungwoo came, my waiting area naturally became the madman's room. Unlike when I was worried about when I would finish reading a thick book, I had already read about half of the first volume. I had also listened to the pop song, which was the center of the novel, many times, and I was already familiar with it. I didn't realize how much time had passed, but the ringing on my phone lifted my eyes from the book.


[I entered the room. Where is Song Yoohan?]

Looking at the clock, an hour and a half had passed since I spoke to him earlier. It probably took a while to sneak out. I hung up the phone, leaving him with one word, "Wait." I left the room and looked for the manager first. I had asked him to convey the message to Myungshin and deliberately very slowly approached the room where Cha Jungwoo was.

I walked along a maze that I couldn't get used to no matter how many times I walked, and stopped in front of a room guided by an employee. I spent a while taking out my phone in front. But there was no need to deliberately do anything else. I pretended to be looking at my phone, but a familiar voice interrupted just in time.

"Fuck, Lee Yoohan. Why don't you show me the face of the sponsor you boasted so much about?"

Myungshin, approaching from the curved hallway, quickly stood in front of me and looked at the door.

"Is he in there? The moron who sponsors a guy like you?"

Myungshin, who raised his chin in a combative stance, already seemed convinced. That whoever was in there can't beat his sponsor, Chairman Kim. I grabbed the handle and opened the door, stepping aside a little so he could see inside.

"Are you curious about the moron inside?"

He sensed something odd about my relaxed tone and turned to me, but I had already turned the doorknob open. And I met the eyes of the person sitting on the sofa in front of me. He looked at me first, but soon made eye contact with Myungshin. I guided Myungshin to Cha Jungwoo while listening to the sound of a small breath beside me.

"He's curious what kind of moron you are, why don't you tell him?"

Cha Jungwoo slowly stood up from his seat with his eyes on Myungshin.

"Ah, I wonder what kind of moron I am."

As he moved, Myungshin, who came to his senses, let out a low voice.

"Fuck, you, are you the sponsor of this punk?"

Hearing his unbelievable voice, Cha Jungwoo stopped after leaving a few steps and twisted his lips.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Why am I the sponsor of that bastard I've only seen a few times?"

Then, Myungshin turned around and looked at me. I crossed my arms with the intention of leaning against the door frame and watching. Seeing me, he clenched his molars.

"Did you deceive me? Cowardly bastard…"

"Were you honest when you called me out to the parking lot with the mad dog?"

As I talked about how he had summoned me with his men, the expression on his face hardened.

"Damn. Yes, you are the kind of guy who pays back what you receive."

"That's right. So look forward to it. I have so much to give back."

"It doesn't matter. You will only accumulate what you have to give back."

He hissed coldly and whispered with narrowed eyes.

"Soon the weight will crush you and you won't be able to stand up."

He took a step back after uttering a harsh word as if foreshadowing. Then, a sneer was heard from inside the room.

"Are you going to run away?"

Myungshin had no choice but to look away, and Cha Jungwoo turned his head and looked down at him.

"You're wondering if I'm a moron or not?"


Myungshin, who closed his mouth, looked at Cha Jungwoo to see if he had regained his composure. Then, an urge mixed with laughter was heard.

"Why don't you speak, this son of a bitch."

Cha Jungwoo looked Myungshin in the eye again and asked.

"I'm asking you if you want to know if I'm a moron."

When Myungshin still couldn't speak, Cha Jungwoo scanned Myungshin from the bottom up.

"I don't know anything else, but I can tell you this. You look like shit. Did you dress up and leave the house like that?"

Then he turned his head and looked at me.

"That trainee is much better than you."

"Cha Jungwoo, watch your words."

"Watch my words? Oh, yeah, I'm sorry. Come to think of it, your clothes are better. Just your clothes. Your clothes looked like shit because you looked like shit. Well, the original person is trash, so let's try wearing high-quality clothes right? Did you think that a country bumpkin like you would look like me wearing something like that? Come to think of it, you copied me before and got flamed a few times. You still haven't come to your senses."

"I'm more sane than you, who became a rag because of a military scandal."

When Myungshin responded, the smile disappeared from Cha Jungwoo's mouth.

"The guy who will be torn more than a rag soon has only his mouth."


"You believe in your sponsor so much, but if your sponsor really did it for you, he wouldn't let you drive a crap car like that."

When the topic of the car came up again, it seemed that Myungshin felt something was strange. That's why he didn't respond right away. Cha Jungwoo didn't miss the opportunity and laughed at him out loud.

"That bastard wouldn't know that the car sucks ass and would happily drive it around. Thinking it's cool."

"What nonsense… are you talking about?"

"Search the Internet. What the nickname of that childish sports car you drive is."

For a moment, Myungshin's expression hardened as if he had stopped breathing. For him, the car might have been a realistic indicator of his success. That's why if the value of the car goes down, he might think that his own value goes down as well. No matter how expensive a car it is, he would feel shame if it earned a nickname that made fun of it. Just like Cha Jungwoo was afraid of his watch. To Myungshin, the car was a symbol representing the time he had accumulated. Cha Jungwoo uttered one last vicious remark at the man who couldn't say anything.

"Well, if you don't have a sponsor, you're broke and you won't have a penny to buy a more expensive car. Isn't that right, you bastard?"


Looking at the side where Myungshin disappeared, I knew that my plan was right. Even if the military scandal broke out, I thought that the words of Cha Jungwoo, whom Myungshin had sampled not long ago, would be enough stimulus. Until tomorrow, when he returns from abroad, Myungshin will be restless and will only think about the car. So I guess I have to make things a bit more interesting? And it wasn't hard to meet the good-looking guy again.

― Hyungseok is in the middle of meeting and talking to him. I think this prick is already feeling dissatisfied.

I guess so. The only thing Myungshin does was suck President Kim's genitals. However, since Myungshin took all the benefits, it was well worth it.


When I was done with my business, I turned around and Cha Jungwoo, who was still remaining, called me. As I turned my head, he glanced at the place where Myungshin disappeared and asked.

"Do you want me to introduce you?"

Who? My curiosity was noticed by his explanation.

"Even though he doesn't have as much strength as President Kim, he will be of help to you."

"I don't need it."

"Why? Do you think you can handle it alone? Wake up. If Song Yoohan is alone, you may be able to catch and shake his weakness like now, but in the end, Chairman Kim is behind him."

I looked back at him and sighed dryly.

"I'm not alone, so don't worry about it now."

"You're not alone? Do you really have a sponsor?"

He opened his eyes wide in surprise.

"Who? They have to be a big shot to deal with Chairman Kim you know"

"You don't have to know."

I coolly cut him off and added some advice.

"Play around in moderation and go back. Don't make my manager worry."

He loudly asked who it was, from behind, but I ignored it and returned to the back hallway where the office was. I was accustomed to always going out by this back stairway, so I ended up coming here without even realizing it. But I had to come anyway. I don't know where he popped out from, but the manager took me back to the boss's office. I fell into flower hell again and was holding my breath when the boss handed me something. It was familiar, having seen it before.

"Bring this to Jay's house."

I looked down at the herbal medicine box and offered a suitable alternative.

"Call a delivery man or a quick service."


"Can't you go instead?"

Then he jerked his head away and muttered something to himself.

"… not receive… won't open the door…"

I couldn't hear the boss muttering softly, but I could guess. He must have been rejected. The boss, who lowered his head for a moment, raised his eyes with a firm expression. I forgot the strong scent of flowers and waited for his sincere words.

"Hey, Baekwon."


"I guess things aren't going well these days. I think it's some business in America, but since he's trying to do it all by himself, he can't sleep, and he has only been working since he came to Korea."


"But these days seem really serious. I tried to do something, but it doesn't seem to work. So take it there. It's because I can only do this."

I looked at the boss and held out my hand to receive the box.

"I can't guarantee he'll receive it."

However, even with a condition attached, the boss still was delighted like a child.