The meeting place was a huge Korean restaurant with a tiled roof. It was a long walk up the hill from the parking lot to the main entrance, and I seemed to be the only one walking. Still, when I arrived at the main gate on time, an employee standing in front saw me and ran up to me.

"Are you Lee Taemin?"

"Yes," I nodded, and he guided me inside. After passing through a huge wooden gate and crossing several small gardens, a small tiled building appeared. Despite my wearing old jeans and a shabby T-shirt, the waitress treated me as an honored guest and told me to go inside. I took off my dirty sneakers and carefully tidied them up.

Inside, another employee was waiting for me and led me down a quiet hallway before stopping in front of a room. As soon as the people inside were notified of my arrival, the doors were opened for me, sliding slowly to the side and revealing a brightly lit room.

Two people were sitting side by side with a large table with a teacup on it. Myungshin was the first to recognize me. He, who sat next to Chairman Kim with a dull expression, raised his head first, followed by Chairman Kim. Their eerie eyes took one look at me and turned away as if they weren't interested.

As I entered the room slowly, Myungshin explained to Chairman Kim about me in a low voice. Slowly lifting the cup with his old, trembling hands, he turned his eyes to me, raising the cup to his lips. I sat down across Myungshin while continuing to look at Chairman Kim. I wondered if he felt displeased with me for not breaking eye contact. He said in a hoarse voice,

"There was a guy before... with eyes like yours."

He had spoken just a few words, but Myungshin, who was sitting next to him, tensed up nervously. Definitely not lovers. If he felt like he was loved even a little, he wouldn't have shown such fear. Chairman Kim continued with his flashback.

"I was displeased, I stuck dozens of needles in his eyes, so he couldn't look at me brazenly."

Myungshin, who was listening from the side, turned his head slightly as if he was getting goosebumps. But I couldn't. He held my gaze and spoke in a raspy voice that grated on my nerves.

"How about you? How many can be stuck in you?"


A dull voice answered instead of me with the sound of the door being pushed aside.

"You can't stick any in."

I don't know why my heart skipped a beat at that voice. When I turned my eyes, I saw the madman walking inside. He looked down at Chairman Kim's hand indifferently.

"Your hands are shaking, you can't even hold a teacup steady."


I heard the sound of the door closing again, but silence flowed through the room as if cold water had been poured on it. In this situation, only the nonchalant madman moved his feet. I couldn't take my eyes off him as he moved. No, it was right that I couldn't look anywhere else. A chill spread behind my back.There was no need to look, it was the venom that Chairman Kim exuded. The most welcome thing about the sudden appearance of the madman was that I didn't have to look at Chairman Kim.

"I am a little late."

The madman in the form of Director Yoon lowered his head, apologized lightly, and sat down next to me. There was a gap of about an arm's length from him, but when he sat down next to me, the warmth spread only to the side facing him. Didn't he say he was coming right from the airport? However, the dark blue suit he wore was not wrinkled. Looking neat as usual. And the smile that spread across his face was the same as usual. He asked nonchalantly.

"Would you like some more tea while the meal is being prepared?"

At the same time, his eyes looked down at Chairman Kim's wrinkled hands. It was clear that it was a question that would have stunned anyone who remembered his words from a moment ago. However, the other party was indifferent.

"Before offering tea, please introduce yourself first. I'm getting older, so I don't know who I have an appointment with today."

Chairman Kim let out a raspy voice with only his lips moving, and then flicked the teacup with his hand. Clatter. The round porcelain cup fell on the table with a loud noise and rolled towards Director Yoon, spilling the liquid it contained. Fortunately, the table was so large that the liquid that had been spilled did not drip to the floor, but pooled on the table in front of Director Yoon.

"I'm an old man with trembling hands, so I beg your pardon."

Contrary to the words, the voice with phlegm was extremely arrogant. Director Yoon rang the bell calling for the waitress without letting go of his polite smile.

"Of course I understand. So, shall I introduce myself first? My name is Jay Yoon, the director of the entertainment agency where Song Yoohan over there, and Lee Taemin here belong to."

He was stating what everyone knew, but I couldn't help but glance up at him. It was strange to put the name Jay in front as if it were an English name. Chairman Kim responded.

"Ah, Jay Yoon. That's the same name as the person who amassed some money from movie investment in the US. Is that you?"

"Yes, that's me. Compared to Chairman Kim, who made a lot of money in the arms trade, it is but a pittance, though I think I will make more money in the future."

And then he looked down at Chairman Kim's hands again blatantly. He didn't say anything else, but anyone could understand the meaning. 'You're old enough to die soon, so I'll make more money as a young man'. Of course, there was no way that Chairman Kim would heed those words. He twisted his wrinkly lips for the first time, and a slurred voice with poor pronunciation burst out laughing.

"There are a lot of young people who died before me. I am familiar with some physiognomy and you have that look. The look of someone about to be dead soon."

I got goosebumps at the raspy voice that passed through my ears. 'You're going to die', Chairman Kim said, his eyes glowing and staring at his opponent. Faced with that, Director Yoon only responded without any change in expression. It was a strange conversation. Seemingly peaceful, both smiling while provoking each other.

But Myungshin and I, who were watching, hadn't made a sound since earlier. Just then, the employee Director Yoon had called, walked into the room. The woman in her mid-twenties didn't even ask anyone what to do, but when she saw the situation on the table, she quickly got to work. And just as the waiter placed a new teacup in front of Chairman Kim, Director Yoon lightly gave instructions.

"Bring him a straw. Because he can't even hold a cup properly."

The employee was flustered and asked, 'Um, a straw?' Myungshin and I naturally looked at Chairman Kim. After making eye contact with Mr. Yoon, he mumbled something briefly as if he didn't know what he was thinking.

"How dare you be impudent with me."

In hindsight, the words were seemingly directed at the employee, but from my point of view it was a warning to Director Yoon. The employee hurriedly got up with a startled face and went out. It was only then that Director Yoon slowly raised his teacup.

"The tea is nice."

Chairman Kim stared at his face as he leisurely sipped his tea with the light compliment. And just as Director Yoon was putting the teacup down on the table, he slowly spoke.

"You are not going to last a long time. You're very arrogant. Listening to this child…"

When Chairman Kim turned and glanced at Myungshin, Myungshin's shoulders shuddered as if he was intimidated. I did not miss the movement and took note. The relationship between the two people I saw was actually more useful than I had expected. It might be fortunate if Chairman Kim was a person who could only think of himself. To Chairman Kim, Myungshin was a side branch that could be cut off at any time if it was useless. Perhaps he noticed my stare, Myungshin raised his eyes and looked at me with his stiff shoulders. Our eyes met and he frowned for a moment, but his attention was soon directed elsewhere. Chairman Kim had been talking for a while now.

"Since this kid was singing your praises, I thought I'd give you a chance to redeem yourself, but I don't think it's necessary."

"A chance to redeem myself, what chance are you talking about?"

Director Yoon lifted the still-steaming teacup and sniffed the scent as if savoring it. Seeing this, Chairman Kim twisted his lips again.

"A chance to stay in this industry."

Director Yoon stopped the teacup he was about to bring to his lips and raised his indifferent eyes.

"I don't need any chance. I intend to remain in this industry in the future."

"By clinging to President Jung?"

Clatter. Director Yoon eventually put down the teacup he couldn't drink and stared straight at Chairman Kim. I couldn't tell what he was thinking by looking at his expression. However, the way he smiled at Chairman Kim's next words made it clear that at least he wasn't laughing for joy.

"It turns out that President Jung put a lot of effort into scouting you. How did he lure you? Is he going to give you the position of the next president?"

Director Yoon just laughed without answering. However, his eyes were getting colder and colder, and Chairman Kim knew that and on the contrary, his voice became relaxed.

"It must have been like this; by handing over the shares of the subsidiary he told you to take control of the Dream Project first. Once you've eliminated the opposition, it will be easier to hand over the company to you. Then he'll step aside and travel the world. Isn't it like this?"

"I don't remember very well."

A soft low voice flowed along with a smile. However, Chairman Kim sneered even more at Director Yoon's calm appearance. It was as if he thought that Director Yoon was agitated inside.

"Then try to remember. Think about whether President Jung said this."

"What are you talking about?"

Chairman Kim's eyes narrowed and his lips curled.

"Rather than handing it over to a traitor, he said he would eventually give the company to his son."

The smile slowly disappeared from Director Yoon's face. Chairman Kim gazed at the change with delighted eyes.

"Are you saying I'm a traitor?"

"President Jung might think so."

Chairman Kim glanced at Myungshin again and spoke out as if praising him.

"Thanks to this kid who is known to be my aide, who managed to follow you all this time, you could have been seen like you were in touch with me in President Jung's eyes."

It was Myungshin who responded to these words. His eyes widened in surprise and he lightly bit his lower lip. This made it clear. Myungshin really hadn't known Chairman Kim's plan. Rather, he must have been used. He was ordered by Chairman Kim to pursue Director Yoon diligently, but that was all for show. However, I was more concerned about the madman than the despair of Myungshin, who realized that he was just a tool. He gave up his smile now and faced the opponent with a blank expression.

"President Jung is not the kind of person who would think of a celebrity chasing me as a betrayal."

"Yeah, that's right. It's not enough to just have one celebrity chasing after you. But you know, people…"

Chairman Kim hit the new teacup in front of him with his hand again. Clang. The steaming tea spread rapidly across the table with the clear sound of porcelain. This time, it must have been a little too much, and a stream of tea water spilled on the floor between me and Director Yoon.

"When something is repeated over and over, it is believed to be true. If I drop this cup a few more times, won't the waitress think I really can't hold the cup and bring me a straw? Likewise, President Jung will consider you a traitor if he hears your rumors from many people."


"It doesn't matter if you still don't believe me. But go ask President Jung. Why is he rushing to bring his son back from America?"

After his words, Chairman Kim rang the bell to call the employee himself this time. And there was a heavy silence inside until the waitress showed up again. Director Yoon kept his gaze on the table, perhaps lost in thought, while Chairman Kim leisurely waited for him to come to a conclusion. When the third cup was placed in front of Chairman Kim again, Director Yoon raised his eyes.

"Is that all you have to say? That I might be branded a traitor? Even so, I would never actually betray President Jung."

Hearing the indifferent voice, President Kim looked at the other person curiously.

"I thought you were the type to think of your own interests first rather than loyalty, surprising. Well, it would be difficult to immediately suspect President Jung after hearing what I said. But I wonder if your proud mouth will say the same thing when you become a beggar."

"I would say the same thing, because I'm not going to be a beggar."

"Is that so? Did your trip to America go well?"

In an instant, Director Yoon's eyes narrowed.

"I guess you know what I went to America for."

"Well, I've heard a little bit. I heard that the recruitment of investors for the movie you want to invest in has gone nowhere, and all the money you've invested so far has gone up in smoke, has it not?"

Director Yoon smiled deeply, revealing small dimples. However, as long as one knew that his smile was a mask, it was impossible to guess what his true intentions would be.

"I don't know who interfered, but it hasn't been in vain yet."

Even if he said this, Director Yoon's cold eyes could tell that it was Chairman Kim who interfered. However, Chairman Kim shamelessly replied.

"Then there must still be a chance of turning things around."

Those words came out of his mouth again. Could this be the 'chance of redemption that Director Yoon was given? Chairman Kim added in an arrogant tone, as if to confirm the suspicion.

"I will give you that chance."

"Is it so?"

"Yes. I can give you all the money you need."

Perhaps a bit unexpected, Director Yoon let go of his smile. He tilted his head slightly to the side.

"Are you saying you want to invest all that money?"

"Invest? Keukeu."

As if the word "investment" was funny, Chairman Kim shook his shoulders and laughed like that for a while before letting out a raspy voice that was difficult to hear.

"Why should I invest that much money in you?"

The voice that suddenly changed sharply reached me like a saw blade.

"Of course you have a price to pay."

"What do you want?"

"All your shares of Dream Project."

With the word "all", I realized that this was Chairman Kim's purpose today.

"Moreover, I plan to make all of the Dream affiliates mine."

The only one who responded to his blatantly revealed ambition was Myungshin, who gulped down his saliva. Two things flashed across his face. The fear of Chairman Kim and the greed that as long as he sticks by his side, he too would succeed. Director Yoon held the cooled teacup in his hand as if lost in thought and took a sip. He lowered his head slightly so I couldn't read his expression, but he was thinking long and hard.

I wondered if he was panicking inside. As President Kim said, if things had not worked out over the past few days, his threat under the guise of a deal was not something to be ignored. Was business on the US side really in jeopardy?

"This industry is not for the faint of heart."

After a while, Director Yoon returned to his normal demeanor and put a smile on his lips.

"There is no business as risky as the entertainment industry, yet you're willing to step into it?"

"The risks are high, but the rewards are huge."

Chairman Kim twisted his lips as if he was displeased with Director Yoon's advice.

"Do I look ignorant enough to have to hear that from you? It's the same with the arms business or this one. People like something stronger and more stimulating. For example, a blockbuster drama planned by Dream. Yeah, that would be perfect. If you make the right stuff, it will be on par with missiles."

"It takes money to make the right stuff. It costs a lot more money than you think."

At the cold response, Chairman Kim laughed as if he was laughing.

"You must think so because you haven't even gathered the right investors. You're just sitting around with an idea and no plan on how to split the money. You arrived in Korea a little while ago, so I guess you don't know yet, but I already bought the land to build a huge set. It means that the drama production has already begun."

As if he really didn't know, Director Yoon's eyebrows twitched slightly. However, at the next words of Chairman Kim, his eyes changed sharply.

"And no investors needed. Because I am the owner and the investor."