The next day, the company was more chaotic than usual. The cafeteria was crowded even when it was not mealtime, and people gossipping filled the break room and near the vending machines. It was like when the Cha Jungwoo incident happened. My only activity scheduled for the day was an acting class in the afternoon, but I purposely came in the morning.

It was to make sure that Hansoo, who had gone down to the province the day before to work for a local TV station, had returned safely. Of course, I had the road manager follow him, so there wouldn't be any problems. As expected, when I opened the conference room door, I saw Hansoo chatting excitedly. Though what I heard was unexpected.

"So the production is moving forward? If the broadcasting station has been decided and the airing time has also been set, wow, isn't it really going to be aired within this year?"

Hansoo almost bombarded the manager with questions in astonishment. Who knew where the road manager was sleeping again, only the manager nodded with a serious expression. As if the conversation was more important, the two only acknowledged me with their eyes and continued talking.

"Yes, since the production is going so fast, the airing will start soon. In the meantime, They had been negotiating with several broadcasters, but now that they have a full contract with one and the airing time has been set… Whew, it's as if the conditions for production are all prepared."

Unlike the excited Hansoo, the manager let out a big sigh. The production of the drama everyone had been waiting for had sped up, so we should be happy. But I knew the reason, and I wasn't too happy.

"Taemin, haven't you heard the news yet? It seems that Dream Planning is speeding up the production of the drama. I don't know when they got in contact, but I heard on the news that they signed a contract with Broadcasting Company S and it will be aired on TV in the second half of this year."

There was something that caught my attention in the manager's words. "When they got in contact"? Of course, Chairman Kim must have prepared everything under the table, waiting for this day. Acting like a person who didn't know which side to pick, he finally revealed his true intentions when he decided that he could take away Director Yoon's shares. The speed at which things were moving might catch everyone else by surprise, but it might be too slow for him, a person who had it all planned out.

"Is that why the company is in such a frenzy?"

"Huh? Oh, the audition will be held soon. Everyone knows that Dream Planning is our subsidiary, so I thought, of course, we're going to use actors from our company…"

After a moment of silence, he sighed again.

"Rumors are circulating that Chairman Kim bought all of Director Yoon's shares and made an independent company unhindered by internal management. So, the only actors who can be cast now are those from the opposing faction of the chairman who have shares in Dream Planning, so, well… it is a frenzy. Even in the office, factions are divided, and everyone fights loudly, sigh."

Hansoo, who was excited at first, seemed to realize that the conversation between me and the manager was grave.

"Since we own the copyright to the drama, shouldn't we be able to use that power for the casting as well?"

When I raised a question, the manager nodded and added.

"You could use that power. Before the contract was signed, that is. But since they already signed a contract with Dream Planning, no matter what they do, we have no say. At the time of signing the contract, it was just a subsidiary, so of course we assumed our actors would be used. So that's why it's a troublesome mess. Because of that, it is worrying that there may be nothing left after all the stuff is handed to Dream Planning."

The manager laughed wryly.

"The funny thing is that money is already flowing through casting. Originally, they spend money to get cast, but this time, it is openly competitive. Producers, directors, and broadcasting stations, they're all going crazy about the money."

He finally shook his head.

"There is only one way to stop it now, and that's if Director Yoon doesn't hand over the shares of Dream Planning to Chairman Kim."


I met Director Yoon, who had become the only hope for the manager, when I was about to leave the company after afternoon classes. There was the last shoot for the movie the next day, so I stayed alone to practice, and it was a little late when I came out. I was tired from standing and yelling the same lines over and over again. I went to the vending machine and checked my cell phone that I had turned off. Four incoming messages. The first two were from Hansoo.

― I'm just going to go because I'm afraid I'll get in the way of practice. Good luck tomorrow! You've got this!

— By the way… Mr. Road is strange. I think he's stalking me. ㅠㅠ

I had strongly told him to protect Hansoo as much as possible, and he dutifully followed him around. Of course, he refused at first for the ridiculous reason that he had to protect me too, but after a few words from me, he complied. I didn't say much, just a little intimidation. I told him that I would tell the madman that he didn't have arthritis, and he agreed to the request right away.

I never expected it to work, but he was cowed and complied. The relationship between the road manager and the madman had gone from puzzling to ridiculous. Whatever serious history they had between them now seemed like a gag. Fortunately, the road manager was faithfully doing his job well.

It would be better to make Hansoo think of the road manager as a stalker than to scare him by telling him that Chairman Kim was after him. In fact, the road manager was also attached to him because I thought that Myungshin, who would need money for the casting issue, might deliberately aim for Hansoo to get into Chairman Kim's good graces. Anyway, for Myungshin, Hansoo was a weaker and easier target than me. As I slowly walked down the hallway and moved on to the next message, an unexpected message caught my eye.

― Thank you for yesterday.

The sender was the manager of Alice. It was a short and formal phrase, so it did not feel burdensome. I would have been rather annoyed if he had even called and greeted me. Because I hadn't done anything to deserve it. I was just relaying the words of the madman? I stopped walking while looking at the next text. The last text was a report from the good-looking guy.

― Hyungseok disappeared. But he called me to check Song Yoohan's schedule. I think he's going to do something soon. I heard that Song Yoohan was busy raising money for the drama casting. I'll take the opportunity and give him the business card you gave me.

So far, so good, but I was bothered by his brief addition.

― Thanks. For giving me a chance to get revenge.

… This blockhead, what the hell are you thankful for? In an instant, swear words almost came out. Are you saying that now, even though you know you've been dragged in for my revenge? I wanted to call him and tell him to stop talking nonsense like that, but one part of me stopped myself. I needed him, my revenge isn't over yet. Better to leave it alone, and he was apparently thankful anyway.

Cold greed cooled my agitated heart. Perhaps, if it were the same as before, I would have ignored it and moved on. Strangely, however, the uneasy feeling remained. No, even when I first started revenge, I would have laughed and ignored this kind of thanks. Riding the elevator, unconsciously pressing the floor number, I came to a conclusion I didn't want to acknowledge.

I had changed. Maybe I was still changing. I was more concerned about Hansoo than I was before, so I assigned the road manager to him, gave the necessary comfort to Alice's boss, and felt guilty when the good-looking guy was grateful to me.. It's a dizzying array of emotions in a space that's been empty for the past five years. All in the matter of a few months.

In my head, I scream that a guy like me shouldn't enjoy any pleasures, shouldn't feel any emotions, should just live a life of penance. But when I came to my senses, I was already enjoying them. And then there was the guy who occupied the biggest seat in the center. The elevator door opened and I passed through the hall on the top floor, which I had visited several times, and opened the iron door leading to the stairs.

Tap, tap, tap.

One by one, I ascended the echoing stairs to the roof. The scene before me was not so different from the first time I came up here. The darkness of the rooftop was punctuated by a white light that illuminated a circle of territory. After taking a few steps, I could smell the faint smell of cigarettes that brought me back to that day. At that time, I felt bad because I was caught by some annoying crazy guy. Who would have known? Just looking at him now made my heart get hot. He turned towards me at the sound of my footsteps and smiled in amazement.

"How did you know I was here?"

I did not know. How would I know? The answer that was supposed to come out bluntly didn't come out. As my gaze settled on the genuine smile that only I could see, he put out his cigarette and leaned in closer.

"Are you willing to hear it now? What it is that you really want."

He raised his hand and wrapped it around the nape of my neck. His fingertips gently caressed the skin of my neck.

"What do I want?"

He tilted his head to look at me and murmured, his eyes nonchalant.

"Sometimes poison can be medicine."

"You mean what I want is poison?"

"Because you think living is poison."

He curled his lips slightly and spoke softly.

"There are still a few hours left. I'll give you a chance because it's better for you to speak for yourself than to be told. say it. I gave you that much time, so you should know by now what you really want. Do you want me to let go and step back like this?"

Contrary to the question, he moved closer to me. It was a close distance, as if our bodies would touch, but stopped short.

"You met the deadline, so you should know by now."

"You had a deadline, too."

What kept bothering me all day was not the answer to give him, but the problem between him and Chairman Kim. So how did you decide to answer Chairman Kim? I guess he didn't like that I turned the matter around. His face turned cold for a moment, but a smile soon returned.

"You still don't believe me. that I will win in the end."

Then he removed his hand from me and took a step back. As the hand disappeared from behind my neck, I felt a chill that made me wonder if the air was this cold. As I suppressed the regret of losing the warmth, he took out his cell phone and called somewhere. He stared at me silently as it dialed, then opened his mouth.

"Chairman Kim, this is Director Yoon."

After identifying himself, he smiled at me and spat out his decision casually.

"I will hand over all shares in Dream Planning."

What? I was watching the manager's hopes disappear before my eyes, but I couldn't believe it. After exchanging a few more words, the madman who had so easily given up on Dream Planning ended the short call by setting a deadline for payment.

"Please get it done within a week. I want to get out of here before CEO Jung finds out."

Is this for real? You're not acting to make fun of me, are you? I followed him with my eyes as he put his cell phone in his pocket after a short call, then asked in a small voice.

"Why? Didn't you say you can't give up on drama?"

"Yeah, I can't give it up."

So what the heck is that? I resisted the urge to scream and asked harshly.

"Then why did you hand over all of your shares in Dream Planning?"

He casually explained.

"Because I need money."

Money? As expected, it's for his thing in the US…

"Did something go wrong when you went to the US?"

He had been relaxed until then, and his eyes shone sharply for the first time.

"How can that be? I went there myself, and of course I took care of it."

But wasn't the need for money because, as Chairman Kim said, the business went wrong? But before I could ask, he first blurted out in dissatisfaction.

"He's a picky old man. Everyone else has signed the contract, but he's holding on, insisting that he won't lend it. Because of that, I even had to go to the US."

A picky old man? Lend? Then, suddenly, I vaguely remembered what the boss of Alice had said when he asked the madman to bring him tonic. He said he had to borrow something, but it didn't go well, so it looked serious.

"Borrow what from whom?"

Instead of answering, he only twisted the corner of his lips.

"I'll tell you later. It's no fun if you know in advance."

I was about to shoot back, "Will you be responsible If it's not fun when I find out later?" but I checked my curiosity first.

"Then, the trouble with the US has nothing to do with Chairman Kim? Wasn't it because he interfered with your business?"


The guy who answered so easily made me rather lose my energy. Plus, he had a cold glint in his eye, as if my suspicions had hurt his pride.

"Do you dare to think that someone like Chairman Kim can interfere with me?"

"He thinks that."

"It's a disguise."

How in the world can you disguise something that's dangerous to your business? I looked at him with an uncomprehending look and asked one last question.

"Then what about money? You sold the shares because you needed money. Is that a disguise too?"

"No. I really need the money."

For what? I asked right away, and he frowned for a moment. As if the mere thought of it made him feel displeased.


"… All that money?"


What the hell kind of taxes cost so much? He was saying things I couldn't understand and didn't believe, so I just stared at him, not wanting to ask any more questions. I didn't expect him to elaborate, so I kept my mouth shut, but to my surprise, he did.

"I have to pay gift taxes. There is an old man who is anxious to give me his fortune, and I accepted it."

An old man eager to give his fortune. Naturally, I remembered what I had heard from the boss of Alice yesterday.

"Your biological grandfather?"

For a moment he stared at me, narrowing his eyes, then asked quietly.

"Did the owner of Alice tell you?"

After affirming, I briefly explained what happened yesterday. But the look on his face as he listened was nothing short of boredom. Even though his biological father came to Alice and messed with the boss, and I knew about his past. Rather, he asked,

"Is that all you heard?"

"Yeah. Is there anything else I need to know?"

"Hmm, I guess he didn't tell you the most interesting part. Who my real father is."

The boss said that I would know everything about his father, the inheritance, and in a few weeks. And a board meeting in a few weeks to appoint Chairman Kim as president of Dream. It doesn't really have anything to do with it, but it just felt like it was all tied together by the same string. It's partly because the boardroom meeting felt like a stage for a real game that the madman was waiting for.

"Is the inheritance a requirement to win this thing you're talking about?"

The madman made the same expression for the second time. The cold eyes that hurt his pride when Chairman Kim asked if he was interfering with his business.

"Do I look like a dunce who will only win by using my background that suddenly appeared?"

"If the opponent is strong, you can use the background."

"I am not." After that declaration, he added nonchalantly.

"It's a card that is helpful to have, but it's a card that is not a problem if I don't have it."

That means that there are other cards that will take back the drama even after giving Dream Planning away. I couldn't ask any more questions because I knew it would be interesting to find out later. While I was silent, he returned to his soft smile and extended another unexpected kindness.

"The assets I will receive from the old man originally belonged to my mother. My mother inherited it from my maternal grandfather and she brought it with her when she got married. It was taken from her in exchange for bringing me, so it's natural for me to get it back."

Then he added with a smile.

"And then it was added on and offered to others, so I had to take it back. It's fun to watch the fools who thought it was theirs bark like dogs."

There was no emotion in his words comparing his father and half-brother to dogs. It felt strange because he seemed to be referring to something so insignificant. No, it's not just blood family. When he talked about the boss of Alice or others, there was no emotion in his voice. But why does he smile like that when he sees me?

"Nothing to worry about. There are a few conditions the old man made, but I've paved the way so I don't have to follow them all."


"Lee Yoohan."

My heart sank when he called my name. Unknowingly, I took a step back. But his grip on my arm tightened, his eyes fierce.

"What are you, you still haven't admitted it?"

"What?" I barely whispered, it was like the sound of breathing. Coming to realization, he gave me an intimidating look and an eerie smile.

"That you like me."

The other hand, not holding his arm, pressed hard against my left chest. Then his lips curved further.

"Your heart is pounding loudly."

"I know."

I answered calmly, raising my gaze. Looking at the cold light in his eyes, I asked what I wanted to know most.

"What difference does it make if I admit it?"

No, it shouldn't change anything. Nothing should change for me. The cold, which had faded for a moment, was back, more intense than before. The hand on my arm felt like it was going to crush my flesh, and my body tilted forward. It wasn't necessary to step out to balance myself. Thanks to him who pulled me, I didn't fall.

No, even if I fell, I wouldn't have known. My mind was drawn to the kiss that covered my lips as if devouring them. A tongue that tasted like tobacco invaded my mouth, as if he were punishing me. His growls, his sucking on my lips, his tongue probing mine felt like they were weaponized against me.When he released me after a while, both of us were breathing heavily. He asked in a low voice, a few inches away.

"How do you feel now? gasping for air from pleasure and wanting to die from the guilt?"


"I didn't think so. You regret it, but not enough to want to die. Do you know why?"

I was suddenly frightened by the beastly glowing eyes. I tried to pull myself back subconsciously, but he restrained me hard by the neck. He pulled me against him as I tried to escape, whispering in my ear.

"You want to live. Your true intention is to live. If you really wanted to die from the guilt, you should have died that day five years ago."