Part 9 of the big celebration

Part 9 of the big celebration

After a lot of patience and waiting, all the expectations ended and the Pope entered the Great Wall (the third and border wall).

The venue of the Pope's lecture was Jannet Square, which was the largest square of the Great Wall.

What I thought did not happen and none of the nobles had come.

And none of the main antagonists had come either



I was taking the papers for the witches to set off the firework, when the flying donkey was found on his head again.

Lucas: Let me see this bastard again

Gus: Yes, you're right, the boss of this damn thing will get drunk in front of you in order to make you greedy.

As usual, this was Lucas, Karish's younger brother (the nobleman of Part 5), so no one could stop him from playing bully.

He had gathered around him several children of the same age who were lacking.

While I was trying to show my indifference and continue my way, Lucas was not giving birth.

Lukas grabbed my hair and...

Lucas: Let's see if you bastard bastard was not taught to respect your master or not?

ah ah

Lucas: I didn't hear what you said?

Me: I said it hurts

Lucas: It hurts. If you want me to let you go, you have to beg me

Me: It hurts!

Lucas: What?

Me: It hurts!

Lucas punched me in the stomach while pulling my hair harder and harder...

Lucas: So if it hurts, beg, scream, ask for mercy from your master, that is, me!

While I was very hard to stop the tears that they wanted to flow and I was angry, I broke my pride...

Me: Please don't pull my hair again!

Lucas: What didn't I hear or understand?

Me: Please, Lord, let me go, I made a mistake, I made a mistake, let me go

Lucas: Oh, that's it

And finally he gave up

But he did not give up

Lucas: Hurry up, kneel down, lick my feet and ask for forgiveness


I was about to do something when Lucas pulled my hair again

Lucas: Didn't I tell you to lick my foot, you bastard, why don't you do it?

I finally had to! I knelt and suffered the worst humiliation in my life.

I started to lick her and at the same time I was asking for forgiveness.

Me: I made a mistake, sir, please forgive me

Lucas: Aka, what do you think I should do?

Aka: In my opinion, he has learned his lesson and let go of this damn bastard!

Lucas kicked me hard in the face and finally left.

I was in pain and crying while I was lying on the ground.

The pain of being humiliated

The pain of hearing swearing

The pain, the pain, how much I...

Poor me, I am a serf. I suffered all these pains.


Why, why me, why, God, why?


On the occasion of the big celebration, all the booths had facilities that were completely free, they had organized a whole competition and along with that, a lot of fun, but I didn't feel like having fun at all.

Woman: Son, don't you want to try these delicious cookies?

When I looked up, I saw a woman with a tray of cookies in her hand and she was complimenting me.

Me: Thank you, ma'am, I don't want it

I went on my way, I refused everything that everyone offered because I was not in the mood for anything at all.

Old man: Where have you been, now the Pope's speech is starting!

what about me?

The old man did not allow me to speak at all and took my hand and dragged me along with him

Finally, we reached M, which was prepared for Pope.

When the Pope left for his speech, my eyes were drawn to his appearance. .

He was wearing a silver-white dress all over, which showed his nobility and of course his high rank.

The mask that covered his entire face was made of iron so that no one could see his face.

Of course, there were several different stories for this mask.

It was said that his face was seriously damaged in a war, so that no one could see his damaged face, he wore a mask.

The second story was that he doesn't want anyone to see his face so as not to harm his family.

And the third narration, which was the strangest in my opinion, was that...

Because the Pope's face is very beautiful and has divine light, whoever sees the Pope's face is fascinated by its beauty and commits suicide out of madness.

It was really a strange story.

The crowd started chanting and cheering the pope.

The pope raised his hand to silence the crowd to begin his speech.

After the crowd got quiet, he started...

Of course, like the previous world, the audio system was not like a microphone, but using the magic of Echo.

Pope: Today is a great and blessed day when you proved that even in the worst possible circumstances, you have firm faith in the Great Goddess and the Gods, and you support the Gods and Goddesses until the end of your life.

You have proved that nothing can and will not make your faith towards the goddess look degraded and you are steadfast in your faith towards the goddess.

The speech was as always, but it had a very controversial point.

They did not mention the king of the empire and the four great noble families.

Always the great pope, that is, the previous popes, spoke about the king and the four great families in their speeches, and somehow this had become a tradition and everyone was used to this tradition, but the pope did not do this this time.

In fact, the differences between the church led by the Pope and the imperial court led by the king were already known.

It went to the point where all the nobles, especially the four great families, were divided into two groups on the side of the church and the king.

But it was not to this extent anymore.

It was clear that the gap is much deeper than this and there is even a possibility of civil war between the church and the imperial court.

My eyes were drawn to the boy next to the pope.

And yes, I was right.

A very beautiful boy with black eyes and eyebrows, skin as white as a Chinese doll and raven black hair.

We both looked at each other. To Henry, the hero of this story.

A look that showed the future of both of us.

The look between the protagonist and the person who changes the story.

It means me and the hero.

End of part 9


My look at the fire of the game

Atish was a really interesting game, even though it was made of paper, but it had different shapes like the symbol of the goddess and the four noble families and people together with all the colors, really very interesting, I wish I could show it in a picture