Part 14, the last pillar of education

Part 14, the last pillar of education

Ziyar... Well, you were able to learn the second pillar as well, now only the third and fourth pillars are left, and after that, you will learn magic and spells. .....

Now, I will put everything I say on the board, see and listen to your memory, learn. !

Actually, the first pillar of training is how to control the energy around you and your mind without your body becoming unstable. The second pillar was controlling the mana inside you, which I did. Finally, the third and fourth pillars were... ....." (Thank God, the church had not introduced and prohibited the blackboard as a destructive tool)

Ziaz Well, the third pillar is actually the same as the first and second pillars, with the difference that when I attack you, you must control yourself, the mana of your body, and the peace of mind around you until my attack is over...

I "....." My life!

Pilgrim First, what do you want to do in the battlefield when the enemy attacks you? Second, I control my attacks, so you don't have to worry!

"Yes, dear, you said it, I believed it."

Well, anyway, you have to walk, you have to work, you have to try... Tom!

hey let's go

It was the first time in this world that I saw someone in a state of magic and attacking himself, you know what I mean...

Vush passed by me as fast as possible and hit me

He did this a few more times and I could hardly run, but Ziyar...

What a round spell...

And I didn't understand what happened...

When I opened my eyes, I saw Patulina's sister above me....

I expected to be on my bed, not in the yard, but my teacher was a pilgrim...

I got up and...

Sister Patulina: How are you?

I; I put my hand behind my head... don't worry, I'm fine...

Ziyar: Don't worry too much about him, he will get used to being hit two or three more times and will not faint again.

"...." damn pilgrim

He tried three more times and it didn't work. Every time it was the turn of the tornado, I couldn't resist anymore and I failed.

Ziyar: Well, it's no use anymore, it's noon and it's time...

Me: No, no, one more time, just one more time, Master, try one more time, just...

Ziyar: OK, I'll try one more time, just don't beg, I hate begging.

Just remember before everything, when I was going to attack you, pay attention to your body's energy instead of doing two things, you know what I'm saying...

Me: Yes, teacher, start.. Today was the third day and the last day, if...

The attack started, I was able to withstand the normal and speedy blows like before, when it was the turn of the whirlwind spell once again, I closed my eyes and just concentrated, just concentrated and didn't pay attention to anyone else...

When I opened my eyes, I didn't see Ziyar facing Rome, which means Tosun

Tyranny means I did it, it means I shouldn't be too happy because I am a devotee....

Ziyar: Well done, I didn't expect you to succeed, but you did. Now you only have one more pillar, and after that you will learn how to cast spells, and after that, the main training begins...

-Evening ***

****Ziyar: Now the fourth pillar, you must learn to flow the mana inside your body to move and perform spells...

This pillar has no work and is not too difficult like the others. You can learn and do it at once. Now, look carefully and listen as I want to give you the simplest magic tutorial~~~~

Speed ​​training means body speed and movement for this, like the first pillar, but with the difference that this series requires you to flow mana not only into your mind but also into your veins and body so that you can succeed. Now I will run an example for you... .

It was really very fast and when I went back and forth, I didn't see any trace of it at all. It wasn't like saying that wind magic is only for nobles...

Ziyar: So now it's your turn to see what you are doing?

I said, "Well, this is my main test, I must be able to do it."

I closed my eyes and tried to do like the first pillar, let's go...

When I opened my eyes again, I saw myself in a place of pilgrimage, which means I was able to...

Ziyar: Why don't you move, you look at me like a cow, so go away!

what I mean, I didn't do that...

Oh God, my body moved by itself and I saw myself on the other side of the garden and went to the other side of the garden...

Ziyar: Well, you could, but it got out of your hands, try to control it!

Me: Professor, you are right, I just can't...

Ziyar: This has nothing to do with me, either you are trying to control Mana or you will be punished...

Oh God, if Ziyar says punishment, I will be miserable, I have to control it and I stopped....

I could, but I have to go back to Ziyar...

Ziyar: Well, you could, but considering that you have just learned, there is no problem!


Ziyar: Anyway, now that you have learned what magic and mana are and were able to flow mana in your body and mind, from now on you will know how to perform the spell with mana...

The end of part 14