
These two women were undoubtedly two half-human, half-fox women in a spirit form.

As they bickered with each other, there was an ordinary old man without hair and an aged beard at the side of them, looking at them both with a bitter expression on his face. He was also similar to them in spirit form.

"Lily and Edith, stop arguing with each other," the old man said with a sigh on his face.

"When did we argue, old man? Don't interrupt us," almost both of them said simultaneously at the same time, which made the old man shake his head with a sigh.

"Big sister, why do you have such hatred towards the entire race of primordial demons anyway?" Lily said with a frown on her small face.

"Because of…" Edith wanted to say, however, she gritted her teeth, choosing not to say it instead.

"Tell me for once, sister," Lily asked with a huff. In her babyface, where the baby fat was still there even in the spirit form, she looked cuter even when she was angry.