Meaning of Life

The moon gleamed like a massive white bone china plate, hanging high up in the dark sky.

Aur silently observed it with his crimson gaze, which seemed to contain a hellfire that could burn everything.

"O life, what are you, and what is the meaning of your existence? What is the meaning of our existence? No matter what we chase, or no matter how hard we try—whether rich or poor, strong or weak—we all end up as a pile of shit in the end. What is the meaning of my existence?"

Aur uttered in a trance.

The more he pondered, the more Aur desired to comprehend his life through all these schemes and the thirst for power only to become a pile of as shit in the end.

"If immortality is possible, I will attain it. If it is not possible, then I will carve a path to immortality." Aur closed his eyes in a moment of silence.

He was in his own room, surrounded by darkness. Only the small moonrays dimly lit the surroundings in a silver haze.