Aur hunting alone

"Oh," Aur raised his eyebrows as he casually punched again at the charging boar.


The boar was sent backward by 50 steps; however, it couldn't do sufficient damage to the boar. Instead, the ice seemed to rage even more as the boar ground its strong hind legs against the ground, the ice sliding creating a strange bone-chilling sound.

"It's time to finish it," Aur casually muttered while slowly walking up to the boar.


The boar charged at Aur again with strength, madness reflecting in its red eyes.

Just as the boar reached near Aur, a smirk graced Aur's lips.

"It's time to test my full strength," he muttered, casually raising his right arm for a punch, all his muscles working in full tandem to his right arm, supplying it with a strange strength.

Aur punched right at the face of the charging boar.
