
"Where are we going, Aur?" Naomi's voice dripped with frustration as she manoeuvred under the canopy of a towering tree, its roots resembling legs making it easy for a person to pass through under it.

"Just keep walking," Aur replied casually, too lazy to provide further explanation.

Naomi couldn't suppress her growing frustration.

"Why am I even listening to him? I'm a mid-tier one wizard, and he's just an early tier one wizard. He shouldn't even be my match. Yet, whenever I try to disobey him, my instincts scream of an overwhelming danger that will destroy me," she grumbled bitterly.

Aur suddenly halted, causing Naomi to stop abruptly as well.

"What happened?" she asked, her brow furrowing as she peered ahead. Naomi spotted a pair of eyes staring at them with silent bloodthirst.


Before she could finish her question, the 'thing' launched itself at her.