Fate Palace and Seeing the future

Aur returned to his grand residence with a pensive expression on his face.

"I should be able to get the resources from Noah soon," he remarked, his voice reflecting a mix of determination and uncertainty.

Although he found Noah's change in attitude a bit peculiar, it seemed fitting. After all, with only one alchemist in the entire village, adding another could boost the supply of resources, particularly in these times of war where resource was desperately needed.

But there was another aspect to consider...

"The monopoly," Aur muttered, his tone casual. With only one alchemist in town, they could monopolise the trade, setting prices at their discretion and enjoying unparalleled status in the village.

Contemplating this, Aur's brow furrowed in concern.

"I may inadvertently be stirring up conflict," he thought in his heart.

However, Aur harboured no fear. He understood that as one grows in power, making enemies becomes inevitable.